
“tone of her ass are irrelevant...”

The size and tone of her ass are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Even implying she should be fired by saying what Hill said was a ‘fireable offence’ could be viewed as a violation of the 1st Amendment. It is neither her right nor her position to try to dictate ESPN’s HR policies.

Sorry. Couldn’t make out any of the bullshit you typed.

I typed out BoJack’s monologue about Hollyhock cause it’s cute as hell, enjoy.

Who said Bea got the appetite suppressant recently? It could have been among her possessions for years. Hell, maybe it was banned in the seventies and she went out and got a few cases then.

The moment where Bojack just ROUNDS on his mother after finding the diet mix, LIVID, is some of the best acting Will Arnett has ever done. I was terrified of him.


I’m almost getting tied of coming onto AV Club and saying “This show is so me,” but fuck, man...

Not big on the ICP music, but I can dig the message. That’s why America is great. We don’t all have to like the same things, but truly rational people can get along regardless. Sad how it’s finally the juggalos that have to show America how to protest the right way. Great message, better accountability and compassion!

No mention at all of Rabin speaking at this thing? AV Club 2.0 is an odd place.

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

That’s too much, man.

Until she eventually runs for office.

the DSA’s support of the Juggalos does seem to be sincere,

“At this point BoJack Horseman is so good at its throwaway gags that I expect them to be great, but the moment of the Frogger analogy was so perfect I had to pause the episode and take a few minutes to compose myself”

What kept me going was A) having a ton of roles at the ready, and B) knowing that his short answers were perfectly in character. He was absolutely invested in the conversation. He just doesn't have a whole lot to say.

I have tried for M. Emmet Walsh, and I literally pleaded, but it is a no-go. He appreciates that I want to talk to him, but he just doesn't enjoy doing interviews, and even a career retrospective like this wasn't enough to sway him.