
Hell, yeah. Since playing songs by Canadian artists fulfills that pesky CanCon requirement, it was on Much Music constantly.

I don't rate it quite as highly as you do, but I do think it is one of their better albums.

Pretty much anything that Puff Daddy has done outside of the two Notorious B.I.G. albums is complete and utter shit. Delivering some of the most uninspired raps ever put to tape while deploying samples of much better songs by artists like Police and Public Enemy in the most unoriginal way possible. Mainstream hip hop

Like many years, a lot of what was popular was terrible. O'Neal makes a fairly convincing argument for that particular two weeks being the worst (in no small part to that awful Puff Daddy song being everywhere at the time) but here are some of the albums that came out in 1997:

I do think the Wu-Tang name did get diluted with the glut of releases by members and affiliates that came out in 1998 though. I have to admit I lost interest around that time and still haven't checked out all of those albums, though I'll go to bat for The Last Shall Be First and Heavy Mental.

There was a period where quite a few people I didn't expect to be familiar with Tom Waits knew "Big in Japan", and it took me a while to figure out that Punk-O-Rama 4 is where they had heard it.

Those aren't even Johnny Rotten's real teeth!

Wu-Tang is here forever, motherBUZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was already in university by then, so my reaction was "Hey, those kids from The Spirit of Christmas are getting a TV show!"


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Japan was a few years behind in making the switch from VHS).

The A.V. Club

At this point, I'd be more worried if Werdup told us he hadn't watched Predator over the weekend.

Played it five minutes ago just to hear what all the fuss is about, and I've already forgotten what it sounded like.

Forget it, TokenCommenter. He doesn't get Simpsons references AND he upvotes himself. It's a lost cause.

Perhaps you should consider not being so rude to complete strangers on the internet, because the disrespectful nature of your comments combined with your inability to comprehend even the most basic of jokes on this pop culture-based website makes you sound both arrogant and humorless.

Good if it's someone else's money.


Hey Arcade Fire, I really liked your new album, too.

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