
In comparison to Superfuzz and Bigmuff (plus the early singles) it does sound like a less inspired sequel, but on its own it's far from a bad album.

YES! These reviews have been pissing me off all season, and then today he decides to double down on making the reviews about himself by bringing up the fact that he didn't like White Noise in the very first paragraph.

I like it - though I'd say the guitar riff is more "Eighties".

They often get overlooked, but Filles and Miles in the Sky are perfect for when you've played In a Silent Way to death but want to hear something in a similar vein.

After eyeing it in the YouTube sidebar for months and inspired by last week's recommendation, I finally checked out Drunk by Thundercat for the first time and liked it a lot. Such a weird mish-mash of seemingly disparate styles (some of which I'm normally not inclined to listen to like smooth jazz and AOR) yet somehow

"Vanilla Ice, to whom 3rd Bass paid homage in their music video for 'Pop Goes the Weasel', also received sound career and financial advice from rap mogul Suge Knight."

It's not something I would go out of my way to eat or ever spend money on, but since the animal had already been killed and its meat would have been thrown away otherwise, taking it home to eat seemed like the better option.

Not there yet, but I quite possibly did reach a nadir recently in my experiences with new food when I tried an okonomiyaki burrito.

I will be ignoring Pang's musical tastes from now on after reading last week's AVQ&A, but the point that the article rightly makes is that eating horse meat is perfectly acceptable in many other parts of the world.

I guess like many other types of meat, preparation, freshness and the cuts of meat used would probably factor in to how good whale or horse meat tastes once it's prepared.

I've only had whale twice. The first time one of my students (a doctor who had lived in North Carolina for five years, and was basically fluent) took me out for dinner and drinks, and ordered some after remembering that I said I would try anything once. I think he was expecting me to refuse (in spite of his time

I was a vegetarian for about five years, but before I moved to Japan I'd made up my mind to start eating fish again as I wanted to experience some of the food culture.

I've only ever had it raw in sashimi form (it's actually called "basashi" when prepared and served this way) but the meat is extremely tender and delicious, and is typically served with soy sauce mixed with a bit of chili paste or minced garlic.

I was completely sober, and all I remember is the scene with the rocks turning into crabs or something.

This has to be one of the most embarrassing misinterpretations of a song ever committed to public record, yet it's still here after 4.5+ years and counting:

I agree, but it would make for a pretty boring article/comment section.

She was actually a pretty nice lady whose daughter had married an American guy, but I kept track (as one does after hearing the same stock phrase for so many years) and we literally did not make it through a single class without "We Japanese…" making at least one appearance.

That first Pirates movie is loads of fun. Nice pacing, lots of great lines, a relatively straightforward plot and packed with enjoyable characters. My daughter was right at that age where kids watch the same films and shows over and over again and that one was constantly in the DVD player, but most of the time I would

I remember there were loads of people who otherwise would have had no interest in a violent action movie that went to see it simply because part of it had been filmed in Japan. One of them was an eikaiwa student of mine: a fifty-something housewife of the "We Japanese" type (as in she thought her generally

Opening side 1 with "I've Just Seen A Face" works brilliantly - much better than burying it late in the second side of the Help! soundtrack. And "It's Only Love" is far superior to "What Goes On" for starting side 2.