
Can it be two things? (or, whichever one I happen to be listening to at that particular time)

The cover art doesn't help, either.


Nice. Let It Be is my favorite - the perfect balance between the don't-give-a-fuck attitude of their earlier albums and the more thoughtful songs on the ones that came after. Tim and Pleased To Meet Me have some of Westerberg's best songs, but both suffer to an extent from dated production - and the latter of course

First time:
Fazerdaze - Morningside
Vanity 6 - Vanity 6
The Family - The Family
The Third Sound - The Third Sound of Destruction and Creation
Michelle Branch

Harsh, but fair.

Nickelback has apparently sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, yet I don't know of a single person who owns one (well, other than that police department in P.E.I. that uses one of their albums to torture drunk drivers).

"It's just a flying saucer, Ed. We gotta go!"

I've seen every single film they've ever made. Most of them several times.

After last week's episode, what I'm really hoping is that Wrench found the money and has is stashed somewhere so he and Nikki can use it to get a fresh start.

Since it was buried in 2006 and the current season is set in 2010, I'm thinking that's much too short a time frame to start a parking empire. But is it possible that Varga might have found it and used it as the seed money to start his machinations?

This is much preferable to keeping the series going until it's no longer profitable (like practically every American TV series ever).

Are you defending these reviews, being deliberately obtuse or just missing the point I was trying to make entirely?

Besides the initial reunion tour in 2004, they also toured to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Doolittle while Deal was still in the band, in a tour that lasted from late 2009 to early 2011. They also played shows sporadically between those two tours and recorded a new single. All told, the reunion with Deal lasted

Saw them in 1998 at a medium-sized venue and they played a great show. The thing that stands out most now though is that while I there, I ran into three friends who had taken shrooms. Love me some shrooms, but a Fugazi show does not seem the ideal environment for a trip.

I was lucky enough to see the White Stripes in 2002. They had just recently blown up as it was post-White Blood Cells, but they were still booked to play on the third stage at Fuji Rock Festival - and even then they weren't headlining. Nonetheless, they played for about an hour straight to an enthusiastic crowd hardly

David Bowie, The Velvet Underground, Ramones, The Cramps, Prince, Sam Cooke, Nirvana, Queen with Freddie Mercury - some damn fine choices, AV Club people. And improbable as it seems that Talking Heads or the Smiths will ever reform, keep in mind that at one time a Pixies reunion seemed about as unlikely.

I don't, but I may have to check it out sometime soon. I was just reading about it and between the recording process and the description of the music it sounds like it would be right up my alley.

Yeah, it didn't set my world on fire either the first time I heard it and it's far from a masterpiece, but it's sloppy fun - good, not great, but reminiscent of the Breeders. Plus I've listened to "Canyon" like half a dozen times in this past week alone. I kind of see it as a companion piece to Pacer, as both sisters

This season = 2017 U.S.A.