
Frankly, the reviews have been amateurish all along. As early as high school we were taught to express our opinions without referring to ourselves in our essays, so every time this guy uses an "I", "me" or "my" in his articles I involuntarily cringe.

First time:
QOTSA - …Like Clockwork
Monster Magnet - Dopes to Infinity
Verve - A Storm in Heaven
Dorothy Ashby - Afro-Harping
The Black Angels - Death Song

Maybe he's an Ice Cube fan who misinterpreted "No Vaseline" in a really weird way.

Those look delicious.

And here I thought I was the only one!

Nice catch with the back massage machine.

Pretty sure you have me confused with someone else.

My Mom used to make something like that when we were kids growing up in Nova Scotia, though we only ever had them topped with cheese slices. Pretty sure she just called them "homemade cheeseburgers".

I think they're fun to watch and have any number of memorable scenes - plus they look great. I can see how people might get annoyed with him blurring the line between homage and outright theft in some scenes, and that they might seem less substantial than his previous films. Still, I've rewatched both of the Bills and

In the former case, I don't understand your taste in movies and kind of feel bad for you missing out on so many enjoyable films.

Er…rural Nova Scotia in the early '90's.

Saw it with a couple of friends on a hot, sunny day in an air conditioned theater in a shopping mall, completely sober. It was a matinee show and even though it was still daylight when we came out of the movie, we were still freaking out.

I'd say Pulp Fiction as well. I was 16 at the time and the theater in my tiny town was very strict about age restrictions, plus it only played for a week anyway so I didn't even get a chance to try sneaking in. But I finally got to see it on a big screen of sorts when I screened my VHS copy in the cafeteria at our

I like it, though it sounds more like something from The Bends-era so it's not hard to see why it got left off OK Computer and subsequent releases.

Have you ever had any dealings with the police? Some of them really are both that belligerent and that stupid.

Love Damaged Bug. Both Cold Plumbs and Bunker Funk have gotten lots of airplay in this house.

Hormel® Black Label® Bacon knows.

By many accounts, Jon Bon Jovi is quite the douche - careerist, controlling and concerned with his own image above most everything else. Just typing "jon bon jovi douche" into Google produces any number of starting points to fall down a wormhole into articles and stories recounting various examples of his douche-iness.

At last - The Pun Machine Took a Shit and Died.

Those pussytits, they felt, like, bags of…sand.