
For me it's "Tougher Than The Rest". That song is so damn good that not even the wretched 80's production on the album version can ruin it.

Two that immediately come to mind are "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and that part near the end of "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" where Kurt Cobain's voice cracks.

I've always heard it as "He's got a family who deals heroin / You're on the edge of your chair". But if you prefer it the other way, that's cool - I've misheard lyrics before only to be disappointed later after reading the *actual* lyrics.

Just heard "Table For One" for the first time. Holy shit, what a powerful, well-written song. Have been pleasantly surprised by a few of her other tracks released this century that I hadn't heard before as well.

"Fuck And Run"?

In a perfect world, "Supernova" would have been a number one single.

Would definitely make room for "Jealousy". Such great imagery in that song, and it perfectly captures that (often) irrational jealousy that can come with acknowledging a new partner's previous relationships.

Careful, we're Inches away from this turning into a pun thread.

Agree to disagree, I guess. For me, the way Reznor inserted dialogue into the songs is one of the things that makes it such a compelling album. Up to that point, soundtrack albums were more or less merely a compilation of songs featured in a film, and those that did have snippets of dialogue (e.g. - Reservoir Dogs)

Loved the article and couldn't agree more with the sentiments expressed within, but two things:

Excellent soundtrack. And so evocative, too - I heard it before I saw the film and thought it told the story of Mickey and Mallory more effectively than the actual movie did.

Like many it seems, I haven't spent much time with any Springsteen albums since Tom Joad, so I will give this playlist a listen. Much appreciated, thanks!

Oh god, yes. I tried watching the '71 version with my kids after seeing the 2005 one, and this is exactly what happened. The "oompa-loopa" ditty that the green-haired guys sing is pretty catchy, but the rest of the songs were a chore to sit through.

There's no drug more powerful than nostalgia, which I'm guessing is what causes the critical faculties of so many to shut down whenever there's any discussion comparing the 1971 movie to the 2005 one.

Meh, this remake really could have used a stride mother.

I prefer Wilder's take on Wonka to Depp's, but aside from that I'd say Burton's version is superior to the 1971 version in every other way - much stronger supporting cast, much better songs and a lot more faithful to Roald Dahl's book ("Daddy issues" subplot notwithstanding).

I'm thinking once this is over, we should send Modell CD copies of all the albums that we think he ought to own. He'll be back up to 2,000 in no time!

"Are you missing Mad About You right now? NBC Must See TV Sundays at 8 p.m."

This here is gunpowder-activated, .27 caliber, full auto, no kickback, nail-throwing mayhem, man. Shit right here is tight. Fuck just nailing up boards. We could kill a couple motherfuckers with this right here.

A gin-and-tonic vinyl release, on the other hand, would be interesting - long as it were played in the vicinity of a blacklight.