
In spite of being pained by some of Modell's purging decisions and outright omissions, I have been enjoying these articles as they seem to be one of the only places here at the AVC where we can still regularly discuss music.

Plus it has the original full-length versions of "I Am The Resurrection" and "Fool's Gold" - the remixed/edited versions on Complete are an abomination.

I do that every single time, and I've been listening to Swervedriver for years.

Goddamn right. That run of albums from Girlfriend to 100% Fun with Richard Lloyd and the late Robert Quine on guitars is incredible - even a lot of the B-sides and outtakes from that period are great. I'll even go to bat for the post-Quine and Lloyd Blue Sky On Mars - Sweet was on fire in the nineties. I'm not as

If you're looking for more JSBX, I'll second Modell in saying that Acme is the best front-to-back (and probably the most similar to Orange). Extra Width and Now I Got Worry are solid as well, though a bit more raw than the other two. My personal favorite though is the Experimental Remixes EP, which contains remixes of

I first heard "12:51" on headphones at one of the listening stations at Tower Records; I ended up buying the Cars' first album that day instead (never did get Room on Fire).

Purging all the Stereolab, the wrong Stone Roses compilation and one of the greatest things GBV ever recorded? Starting to hope this ends with Modell seeing the folly of this whole exercise and just deciding to hang onto everything.

Dance your cares away
Snark is for another day

The Early Tapes of the Beatles, where they're basically just the backing band for a guy named Tony Sheridan. Only 8 of the 14 tracks feature the Beatles (on the rest the backing musicians are credited as "The Beat Brothers") and six of those eight feature Sheridan on lead vocals. Lennon does lead vocals on a single


He was a good producer, though - those Shangri-La's records probably wouldn't have done as well as they did without his production touches. The album he produced for the New York Dolls in 1974 (Too Much Too Soon) is good, too; the debut has the better songs, but the follow-up sounds a lot better - even if the material

All the tapes were either subtitled or dubbed - most of them had kanji written on the side indicating which was which.

No, it was a rental. I rented A LOT of videos during my first couple of years in Japan; I was working 12 to 9 pm, and after work I normally rented a video or two - mostly movies, but if I remember correctly I had just recently finished watching the complete Twin Peaks series on video for the first time as well.

It was about 11 pm - I had just finished watching a video (it was the Roots miniseries, though I can't remember which part) and the image of the Twin Towers burning was on the TV. Since I didn't have a computer and had been in Japan less than a year, I wasn't fully able to understand what had happened at first, but I

Hey, for once you're actually in the right thread!

Hey, U.S.A. - what the fuck is wrong with your country? Donald Trump running for president, twin towers made of diet cola and/or mattresses, and now this? This is like a parody of a parody. Seriously asking - what the fuck is wrong with a not insignificant percentage of your population?

Jesus H Christ

I'm gonna go with "Drunk Dad Advice"

Now let's see if O'Neal can work the same magic with Hatesong.

I'd include Being There as well to make it 4 in a row.