
Looking forward to hearing this. Good review too, but sadly no mention of the cover art by Joan Cornellà (though it's fairly tame compared to his normal standards). Anyone who likes dark and surreal humor should definitely check out some of his comic strips.

Haven't heard this one yet, but for my money Arular and Kala are two of the best albums of the past decade or so, and MAYA is better than the lukewarm reviews at the time would lead one to believe.

Good interview. Kevin McDonald is hilarious as usual, and Sean O'Neal manages to inject some personality into what is normally an enjoyable enough but fairly by-the-numbers feature.

"Enjoy Yourself" is one of my go-to songs whenever I need a pick-me-up. Will definitely be spinning some Prince Buster tonight, RIP.

Nah, that's some straight up Derek "Wheels" Wheeler shit right there.

The amazing high quality ice cream shops probably don't pay as well. Might as well slap "sponsored post" on the top of the article - it would be slightly less embarrassing than operating under the pretense this is anything other than blatant shilling for DQ.

For Our Consideration Your Consumption

I think we all need a regular column.

Goddamn it, you've got the gift and/or curse for finding those awful things. Upvoted you twice and downvoted myself in an attempt to make up for this blunder.

Not a hashtag in sight, dude (though the word "rehashes" appears in the second paragraph). What gives?

Well, there's sexuality among pre-teens…and then there's 11-year-olds having a gangbang in a sewer.

He's got the first five Ramones albums on vinyl and apparently a bunch of Lou Reed as well, so don't go getting your heart broken just yet.

Just the opposite here. Loved the White Stripes albums, but found the Raconteurs to be completely forgettable.

In this week's installment of stuff I thought no one else remembered: Railroad Jerk!

That seems to be the standard format for CDs issued by the Rykodisc record label from the eighties through to around the end of the nineties (though EMI and other labels that issued the same albums outside of the US sometimes used the same design on their CD spines as well).

Felt a bit sorry for those kids that were left hanging when they tried to get a high-five at the 12:08 mark - but then, who the hell brought their kids to the VMAs, anyway?

97$ per hour? A new Land Rover Range Rover? !mj146d:?

Just one man's opinion, but I found that American joke Limp, Bizkit.

One of the best shows I ever went to was The Hanson Brothers (the Ramones and hockey-influenced punk rock band consisting of members of NoMeansNo). They drove almost two hours out of their way the day after their main gig to play an all-ages show in my tiny redneck town, in a tiny community center to a group of