
Putting down The Simpsons? That's a paddlin'.

I think she captured it perfectly - the experience of having just arrived in a new country, jet lagged, not understanding the language or culture and just kind of going with the flow.

The Wall is a slog. It seemed pretty cool when I was 14 and just getting into music in a big way, but by the time I was 19 not so much. And to this day it baffles me that the film has this reputation of being something that people watch after getting baked - I could think of at least a thousand films that I'd much

Titanic. The chessy dialogue, historical inaccuracies, clumsy storytelling and Celine Dion were bad enough, but what really put this film onto my all-time most hated list was Cameron's decision to have Kate Winslet rescue a handcuffed Leo from the bottom of the ship, and then top it off with Billy Zane running around

I love all of those artists you mentioned, but I'm upvoting you for your honesty. On the whole my musical tastes seem to fall in line with what critics and music nerds consider "good", but I wouldn't spend the time and/or money if I didn't genuinely like them.

Doot doo!

Hey guys, while you were busy watching videos of guys throwing stuff, Radiohead released a new music video and announced the release date of their latest album.

You have a point, but I think I'd still rather watch cartoon violence than be bored to death.

I pity anyone who grew up watching the lame-ass Tom & Jerry Show from the late '70's instead of the real deal.

Frog and Toad Are Friends…NO MORE!

Ghostface Killah - Child's Play
Beach Boys - He Gives Speeches
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Hong Kong Garden
Fatboy Slim - Everybody Needs A 303
Dmitry Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5 in D Minor - IV Allegro non troppo (excerpt)
The Cramps - The Hot Pearl Snatch
Cowboy Junkies - Working on a Building
Fuzzass - Ulight

Golden Week is kind of weird this year: three-day weekend, work on Monday, three more days off, back to work on Friday and then it's the weekend again. Oh well, still a lot of days off!

Kanye doesn't care about Japanese people.

C'mon Bosco, enquiring minds want to know - what kind of lemonade was it? Was it clear, cloudy, pink or what? Don't leave us hanging!

Listened to Lemonade three times last night and was blown away by how diverse and experimental it is. I'm hardly a superfan - until yesterday the only album I'd heard all the way through was my wife's copy of Dangerously In Love, and I only know 4 of the songs on this list - but this playlist might be a good place to

That was a great experience. I still remember all the people coming out of the early show wide-eyed and talking excitedly.

Trainspotting. It didn't come to our city in its initial run, but a single screen theatre that normally specialized in midnight showings of old films managed to get hold of a copy several months later before it had come out on video. The theatre was packed and you could just tell that practically everyone in the place

Don't get the hate for September. Not an easy watch, but very effective - after seeing it only once almost twenty years ago it still sticks with me.

Have you not seen The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion?