
1. Elephant
2. De Stijl
3. White Blood Cells
4. Icky Thump
5. Get Behind Me Satan
6. The White Stripes

It hardly seems possible, but somehow watching the video makes the song even worse.

Elephant is my favorite, but De Stijl is a close second. Hearing "Apple Blossom" in The Hateful Eight last year prompted me to dig it out for the first time in ages and it still holds up. Great album.

No idea. It was such an unlikely song to hit the charts and the group was such a one-hit-wonder that I just threw the name out there to see if anyone else remembered it.

Wot, no Babylon Zoo!?

45 years old. Goddamn it.

It was widely reported in the media over here, and to their credit the news reports I saw and read were unbiased. Not sure what the average person here thinks about it though, as Japan is still conservative enough that it's not exactly something that can be brought up as water cooler conversation in the workplace or

Done. And I mean done. That's much better, thank you.

The first one I remember is so subtle that a lot of people don't even pick up on it: Ted and Mary smoking a joint at the end of their date in There's Something About Mary. Neither one of them mentions it - the only hint is that they're passing it back and forth while talking on the beach - and that's why it struck me

Meaningless. If copyrighted audio is used in a non-official video, the copyright holder has the option of allowing their content to be used, though ads might appear on it and/or it may be blocked in some countries. This means the copyright holder, not the uploader, receive any income generated by ad revenue.

Not no more it ain't.

Good thing Duane Allman was there to play guitar and Bobby Whitlock was there to help Clapton write most of the original songs.

Can came to mind for me too, as Karoli, Schmidt and later on Rosko all shared vocal duties in the post-Mooney/Suzuki years - though Karoli and Schmidt were in the band from the beginning and none of them were conventional frontmen, as playing guitar, keyboards and bass respectively were always their primary roles.

Eat your heart out, Rick Springfield:

Force of habit. Grew up watching that movie and to this day whenever I'm with my sister and there's a bottle of ketchup we automatically break into that dialogue.

Nothin' but the best!

Perfect time to put in On The Corner. In A Silent Way is one of my favorite albums by Miles, but definitely more of a "late-night-lying-on-yr-back-eyes-closed-contemplating-the-universe" album than a "late-night-driving-and-trying-to-stay-awake" one.

Can't say I'm a fan, but I'll take BabyMetal over the more conventional "idol" groups any day. AVC really should have gone with this song for the article though:

Be sure to include the scene where Miles told Wynton Marsalis to get the fuck off the stage after Marsalis dissed him in public - and then have Miles beat the living shit out of him, Bruce Lee style, for a good five minutes while the band plays on. Then have a victorious Miles dive off the stage and crowd surf across