
That was pretty disappointing - I knew Omar would get his revenge eventually, but I didn't think it was going to happen so quickly, and I didn't expect it to happen to one of the best characters (and one I was expecting/hoping would start turning his life around at that). Another season of The Wire, another

Just finished watching seasons 3 of Gilmore Girls and The Wire. I'm watching both for the first time and will definitely be continuing with The Wire, but is it worth continuing with Gilmore Girls from this point? I've enjoyed it so far and the consensus seems to be that the 7th season is best forgotten, but to anyone

I remember it being re-printed with an additional chapter. I got my copy for Xmas in '93 (during my own intense fandom) so the failed suicide attempt would not have been included in the original version. I've never read Heavier Than Heaven either, but I have a tendency to burn through music biographies faster than any

My essay comparing and contrasting the poems "Heroin" by Lou Reed and "Hurt" by Trent Reznor got me an A+, so I guess my English teacher was happy, liked what I had written and/or was a complete dumbass.

Though Come As You Are was the only biography released prior to Cobain's death, so it is free from all the speculation that subsequent biographers have been obligated to deal with.


I wanted those SO BAD when I was a kid, but at $12.99 plus shipping and handling per book, it did not happen.

Fall and jazz do go well together, and this reminded me that I picked up a cheapo 4 CD set consisting of 8 Cannonball Adderly albums a while back and haven't gotten around to listening to all of them yet. Will keep you posted.

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're two or three years older than I am (14-year-old me would say BSSM is flawless; 37-year-old me alternately cringes and literally laughs out loud at some of the ridiculous lyrics, but still loves that album unconditionally).

I'm tempted to say that BloodSugarSexMagik is the one album where they actually lived up to their potential as musicians and created something bordering on magical, but I am sure nostalgia will forever prevent me from viewing that particular album objectively (I was in junior high and just getting into music in a big

I really like Sublime's first two albums. Much of the "ska-punk" of the day that Sublime was lumped in with is fairly by-the-numbers, but the hip-hop drum beats and sampling on 40 Oz. to Freedom and the lo-fi dub experiments on Robbin' The Hood sounded fresh and innovative at the time (even if the latter case was in

Just watched Let The Right One In for the first time last night. Can't say I found it scary at all, but it was beautifully shot and I'm a sucker for a good coming-of-age story, so I enjoyed it from start to finish.

That's probably the best way to approach it - whenever something is touted as the "best" anything it tends to set expectations unrealistically high. I absolutely loved It Follows too, and would even go as far to say it really is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, but I was also lucky enough to go in knowing

What was truly scary about the one video I watched is that it had over 1100 likes to only 34 dislikes. Needless to say what little I saw of the comment section was absolutely terrifying.

Wish in one hand shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

When I saw this article, Return To Oz was the first thing that sprang to mind. That entire movie is nightmare fuel, pure and simple.

Take this object, but beware it carries a terrible curse!

The first four (My Aim Is True, This Years Model, Armed Forces and Get Happy!) seems as good a place to start as any: the general critical and popular consensus is that all those albums are pretty solid. After that, outside of the first four and Blood & Chocolate, my personal faves are Imperial Bedroom, Brutal Youth

When I was a kid I taped off the first side of my parents' copy of Sports by resting my tape recorder up against one of the speakers and making sure everybody stayed out of the living room (I had also taped "Ghostbusters" onto the same tape using the same method, yet oddly enough never noticed the similarity to "I