
Too many great songs to choose just one as his "best", but that was the first Smog song I ever heard so it instantly came to mind. I almost went with "A Hit" because after all these years the Bowie/Eno/Gary Numan line still cracks me up every time.

"Your Face", from the Hey Drag City compilation

I think we're at a point where people choosing to reside outside of their country of citizenship for extended periods of time is only going to become more common in our increasingly interconnected world, and as such provisions should be made to ensure that as many citizens as possible have an opportunity to vote in

They were hardly the most functional band to start with, but Husker Du went on to record four more albums (including another double) after Zen Arcade. And Sonic Youth stayed together for another 23 years after Daydream Nation.

"Drown" was the first Pumpkins song I ever heard, and I still think it's their finest accomplishment. Liked Gish, loved Siamese Dream and was looking forward to the new album. Played it countless times trying to get into it ($24.99 for a double CD was pretty reasonable in 1995, but still a lot of money for me back in

As one of the 1.4 million Canadians who is no longer eligible to vote, I would like to have some say in determining the future of my country, not only for myself and my children if we return to Canada someday, but for my family and friends living in Canada whose lives have been adversely affected by that asshat Harper

"It takes a lot to make a stew…"

I still peruse the used CD bins fairly regularly, and I'm actually surprised whenever there isn't a beat-up copy of Tragic Kingdom, Jagged Little Pill or Dookie.

It really is. I think that sheer overexposure has hurt Play's reputation (licensing every single track, some hundreds of times, probably contributed to that) but it was a groundbreaking album at the time. Moby obviously wasn't the first musician to sample blues and gospel singers, but the way he utilized Alan Lomax's

Second comes right after first…

I would like to switch lives with Debbie Sanchez's collaborator's stride mother.

The A.V. Club

1. OK Computer
2. Kid A
3. Amnesiac
4. Hail To The Thief
5. In Rainbows
6. The King Of Limbs
7. The Bends
8. Pablo Honey

I hope he wasn't KidAing about the new album.

It really is puzzling, isn't it? 100 years ago no one shaved their armpits or their legs (let alone their nether regions) yet somehow people still managed to take it off and get it on regularly. Hell, a lot of the women I knew and/or dated in the 90's spent a large part of that decade without shaving their pits, legs

We need more Brietbort license plates in the Gift Shop. Repeat, we are sold out of Brietbort license plates.

In the car: The Real Ramona by Throwing Muses a couple more times (can’t believe I never heard that album back in the day) and other than that, nothing but Wasp Star (Apple Venus Vol. 2) by XTC since last Friday.

Lou Reed in the seventies. Start with him taking a job as a typist at his father's accounting firm after leaving VU. Then move on to the tentative first solo album, followed by the Transformer revival and the Berlin disappointment. Next the speed-and-alcohol-fueled years, making sure the Rock n' Roll Animal tour,

I was just a bit younger and still thought the movie sucked, but the action figure for Saurod (one of the new villains introduced for the movie) shot sparks from its mouth, which was pretty cool.

I wholeheartedly approve of this Hatesong, but "bigger fish to try"? Is that a typo, or a healthier alternative to the usual idiom?