Back to your child play area, fuck wit. The adults are speaking.
Back to your child play area, fuck wit. The adults are speaking.
Hey, if a fascist righty rag like Breitbart can exist why not a commie lefty one?
Fuck Off
Her actions say far more about her than about me.
While I applaud the person that confronted him, it would have been more effective for the management/owner to have kicked Miller out.
“Just because I think the little wetbacks should all be thrown in prison or shot, doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a plate of homemade enchiladas.”
“Witch hunt” is unfair to peaceful witches and inflates the false persecution complex of these Nazis.
I got the kindling and smores....
it blows my mind that these people are running up into mexican restaurants to dine after basically using Latin American people as pawns in a game of race-baiting for votes.
These assholes want to see witch hunts?
The worst thing about this is the teacher comparing The Black Panthers to the KKK.
Again, why do they act like meeting with Kim is a big accomplishment? The Kim family has wanted to meet with every president since forever. Until President Donny Deals actually does something, this is just a fancy photo op for Kim to show the rest of the world how important and serious he is.
Trump’s take on an American classic:
Trolling the gloryhole(s).
You’re probably right, though my first thought was they were covering a different kind of bruising.
I heard they just fixed up a certain sink hole. The timing is highly suspicious. :P
Nah, that isn’t nearly grotesque enough. More likely some insinuation about her needing additional hormone therapy.
White people elected him.
I will never forget or forgive the people that elected this baboon’s ass.