
Unleash antifa. 


“Challenging the status quo is not an act of terrorism. It is an act of patriotism...maintaining the vision of the Founding Fathers.” ”In that sense, what Representative Ocasio-Cortez is doing is upholding American tradition, rather than tearing it down.” Spot on. The revolutionary war was fought over oppression by

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

The Deep State is Rupert Murdoch. He started by fucking up Australia, then Great Britain, then the US.  Whose next?

Oh the dreams of a libertarian paradise. It will work in your dreams only. Have a nice nap bucko.

“Jeff Bezos is exploring space for our benefit with Blue Origin, funding the organization himself in hopes that maybe he will find something out there worthwhile to all of us” That’s bullshit. I wish his motives were that grand. Mostly all the private space exploration I fear is so all the rich folk have a place to go

Rather than cheep gas I’d prefer good alternate forms of transportation and no gas. 

I say enough with the circular firing squad. Dems seem to be real good at it and it doesn’t help winning elections.

Actually this isn’t such bad news. Think how many more things he could fuck up if he worked full time.

“Unity and Love”. Right. One, another black man said basically the same thing in 2008. How did that work out? Two, there is no such thing with the moron 40%.  Just try it once in the comments sections of the trump supporting rags.  If it was in person one might end up dead.  Sorry, “Unity and Love” just don’t quite

Like father like son.  Fucking morons.

He just acted precisely how a guilty person would act. And tRump praises him for it. 

In-fucking- believesble. Oh wait. It’s the era of tRump. Disregard. 

What a fucking embarrassment. Did he do the paper towel roll toss again too?  

Yeah well the same people bitching about Antifa when confronted by violence of the right, oh say, like Dylan Roof, will come back with “he’s a dumbocrap”. Ya just can’t fix stupid.

Well, according to tRump, they are very fine people. tRump embolded them.

Yup. Spot on. 

You mean FOX state media?  Well of course they stood by SHSanders. 

That’s good you are saving in a 401k, but just wait until the economy tanks. And it will. I’ve been there.