
Thank W. for no Medicare Part D (drugs) negotiation.

Go back further. Middle class started under FDR. Had a good run until Reagan started the busting unions and deregulation. W. Clinton wasn’t all that great. He pared up with Gingrich neo liberal bull shit. Free traid as written so far suck. 

Really started under Kennedy. In earnest under Reagan. Worse every year. On steroids under tRump. 

When taxes were high on them they did. But that was  a LONG time ago. Think Ike. Certainly not since Reagan. 

Shut ‘er down tRump. That will only hurt republiCONS in the Nov election. 

For those bitching about progressives,

Bullshit.  Bernie kicks ass in WV.  

Any rich bastard that donates politically is a threat to democracy. Money is not free speech and corporations are not people irregardless of what the bought and paid for congress and courts say.  

Yet a group of ICE agents them selves sent a letter to tRump saying ICE should be abolished...

You’re right Sean! She is really scary! The tax you pay on the millions you so deservingly “earn” will surely increase! You poor poor dear.

tRump, pence etal are but a symptom. They have made the sickness totally visible and they have made it worse. I am not optimistic what the future holds for the USA.

All that needs to be known really is that he is short enough to qualify for the Napoleon complex that he so obviously carries. 

Ahhhh. But neither are you as smart as you think you are :)

“ I know the opinion is unpopular in the echo chamber”. Your comments are all directly out of the real echo chamber. You have little justification of accusations. I’d argue but you are deaf from the noise in your own echo chamber. Troll elsewhere.

Home Depot is like Wallmart to me. Unless they are the only choice and I absolutely need something, I will buy there. There is an independent lumber yard close as well as Ace Hardware. Prices are comparable or sometimes more reasonable than Home depot too.

If anybody deserves the Nobel prize in this situation it is Moon Jay-in. He has been the one brokering the deal. Obama didn’t deserve it and tRump HELL sure doesn’t deserve it!

Is that but fuck her or butt fuck her?

Did we expect any different? I’m sure the tariffs will not affect all the MAGA hats and other various and sundry MAGA crap either, or his ridiculous red neckties that he scotch tapes. 

The “liberal media” at it again I see.

To add insult to injury, the media helped elect the dotard. Thousands of dollars worth of free air time is so called news reports while other candidates (especially Bernie) next to none. Thanks a lot corporate media.