Yet they call liberals “snowflakes”? The poor dears.
Yet they call liberals “snowflakes”? The poor dears.
I’m an old fart. I was st the march in Denver today. There were plenty other old farts and thousands of people of all ages. This is not a generational issue. People are finally fed up. Enough is enough.
True progressives, at least that I know of didn’t jump on the band wagon, unless you are referring to green voters. That was pure ignorance.
Good luck. I can relate. My partners family are tRump voters. We simply avoid discussing politics at all costs. At least they are smart enough not to bring it up either.
I ran across a YouTube about militias yesterday. What I find very ironic is they, as tRump supporters, are preparing to fight the “oppressive” government. I guess “oppressive” is in the eye of the beholder? The lot of that type are just wired differently. A way to short their brains would be helpful.
Yea Randy!! Makes me want to vote for you even more. (We’re i in your state I would!)
Not to be picky but Columbus didn’t come here in the Mayflower. But he was a pice if shit.
Yeah on our tax dollars way things are going.
Furthermore, drug dealers aren’t the only at blame. How about Doctors the prescribe them? How about Drug Companies that produce them and PUSH them? But NO! The gubment can’t go after a blessed corporation! tRump is afucking moron.
Except Atlanta is their main hub. Used to be said “you can’t get to Hell on Delta with out going through Atlanta first”.
Spot on. Same for me. There was a time when republiCONS were totally for eliminating open carry. CA in late 60’s early 70’s (?) when the Black Panthers showed up at the state house with ligitimate grievances armed to the teath. Until then CA was an open carry state. Not for long after that.
Generally I’m not fond of tax breaks for corporations as we the people end up picking up the slack, but really. This case just exemplifies the hypocracy of the republiCONS. If Democrats ever tried to eliminate tax breaks as this for a GOOD reason the republiCONS would squall like mashed cats.
Will the REAL snowflake please stand up.
Years ago the NRA was a good organization supporting conservation, good stewardship and hunting/gun safety. I dropped membership when they turned into gun nut lobbyist fuckers peddling fear over reason.
Is Nunes really that dumb? Or does he just think we are?
A car has to be registered, the driver has to show proficiency to operate it and be lisenced to operate it , and has to have luability insurance on it. Why can’t we do that with guns if you want to make that argument?
Oh Lordy. That line up is a real horror show. No wonder the country is so effed up.
Methinks “repealing the second” and “take away all the guns” only exists in the minds of relatively few left extremists and in the minds of most righests. Therein lies the problem.
He was adopted.
Fuck Mike Pence. Adam good for you and stick to your guns! You are making real America proud!!