Right or wrong, it’s appropriate to shit on Jeff Sessions for ALL of the things, height included.
Right or wrong, it’s appropriate to shit on Jeff Sessions for ALL of the things, height included.
His own voice just repeating “I’m a big boy whose daddy loves him. I’m a big boy whose daddy loves him”
I dunno. Atlas Shrugged? The Old Testament? 50 Shades of Gray?
Fun fact:
There is no way this is not about fisting
It’s unclear when, exactly, Feinstein’s thinking on capital punishment shifted.
“Does the idea of kicking the poor off of Medicare and Medicaid render your nipples hard enough to cut glass? Do marginal tax cuts make your little solider stand at full attention? Do you own 3 or more large firearms or at least one large truck that is obviously not compensating for anything? When someone says “The…
Don’t worry. All those true-blue red-blooded Americans whose jobs the “illegals” were taking will step right in and get picking. Very soon. Any day now. That’s probably them now. I’m sure they started work while I was typing this. They’ll be right along presently...
Three years ago, all of those ads would have played as satire. The dumb-fuckery from the right has brought us all the way around to the point where you can’t even make fun of them because they have absorbed all of the over the top manly ‘Merican tropes into their ethos so any insult is taken as a compliment now.
I’m sure the peach crops will pick themselves when all the migrant workers are gone.
“Are y’all lookin for a gun-crazed, middle aged, white guy who acts like his suburb is a warlord-controlled region of Afghanistan and fetishizes his daughter’s sexuality? Then I’m your fuckin’ guy. Vote Kemp. We’ll take this country back to a time that never even existed, except in my imagination.”
The timing of this article is magnificent. Trump announces he’s abandoning the separation of the DoJ from political pressure to go after a phantom FBI infiltration by Obama’s administration. The absolute best thing Obama can do in this situation is to be *disconnected* from his political fights as President. If he…
Exactly. FWIW I think this is a troll article, but Obama should not be front and center for the reason you state. AND because the Dems need to stop being lazy and find/create new exciting leadership. They can’t use Obama as a crutch forever.
Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.
He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Nah. Fuck trump and fuck everyone who supports him.
Come on, now. When you cheat on your wife with that many people, sometimes name get mixed up. It’s understandable.
This will be Trump’s legacy: opening politics up to people whose only metric is how gleefully shitty they can be to people.
She’s a man because a random internet commenter and a deranged congressional candidate say she looks like one? Ok.....
Aside from the obvious transphobia, why hasn’t there been an issue made of her filming someone in the bathroom without their consent?