
Good on you with the positive energy and the concrete action. Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.

That shit is why people VOTE Republican. The quid pro quo is: we feed your white resentment and religion-based intolerance, and you look the other way while we create an oligarchy.

Yeah, all he’s doing is positioning himself as A Reasonable Republican for if/when this hard-right pivot blows up in the GOP’s collective face. Guy’s an spineless empty suit, always has been, always will be.

Racism, yes. Guns and abortions matter a great deal to Republican voters, but I don’t believe for a second that the politicians they elect think of them as anything but ways to shill for votes. Paul Ryan would would sign up as a Planned Parenthood escort in minutes if he thought that would get him support for his

“or willing to sell out “them” for a little bit more for “us”

Most GOP politicians? Probably. Most Republican voters? I just don’t know. So many of them are ill-informed, or self-deluded, or willing to sell out “them” for a little bit more for “us”.

Well, now that it’s a done deal, I guess he’s safe to have reservations about it. Now he can say he’s “gone on record” that this was bad despite him voting for it.

I get you, but when the shit hits the fan, he wants to be able to say to voters, “I was one of the only ones to see the truth.” It might hurt him a little with some rich donors, but they know when they need him to vote a certain way, he’ll do it again.

No one in the last 30 years has earnestly tried to win them over to the left with real understanding of their problems. Probably worth a try.

There are people who are lost causes, certainly. But there are even more people who are eligible to vote and do not, and need something, or someone, to activate them.

Hey, just thought you should know, you’re opinions are complete and utter garbage. You might want to do something about that.

For the same reason he gutted the social safety net, while refusing to tax carried interest as income

He didn’t get much passed, but that clean air you’ve got now may not last. The orange asshole has been reversing regulations on polluters of all kinds, denying science where it conflicts with corporate greed, and all sorts of other things that he can do as he sees fit without needing to pass a bill.

How is that different from blindly supporting Trump because he’s a white billionaire racist Nazi sympathizer and his wife was a model?

Real humor requires empathy and soul. The Rs sold theirs long ago.

Good jokes require planning and wit.

Why are Republicans so unfunny? They’re not even unfunny in a charming dad-joke kind of way. Their attempts at humor are like soulless lizard people trying to emulate humans.

And I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,