
Hope that you put those assets/savings into a trust 5 years before either of them needs medical services or a full-time assisted living facility. It will evaporate pretty quickly.

This would be a good time to point out that Hanukkah hasn’t even started yet. So lighting a menorah is fucking stupid. Might as well have eaten matzah or blown the shofar.

I understand it as saying that due to those healthier/younger folks opting to not get health insurance, the general cost of health insurance would become economically impossible for 13 million people to attain. But really i think we’re missing the point... why the fuck is the individual mandate even in a budget bill?

I believe the projection is based on there being no mandate, thus a necessity for the insurance companies to charge way higher premiums, thus these 13 million will no longer be able to afford coverage and will “voluntarily” exit the pool.

I think I hurt his feelings on another thread. He stopped responding after I mentioned the internet as a haven for those who have exhausted all personal relationships in life. I didn’t know trolls ever stopped.

Let me guess, they then ran off like the cowards they are.

There are plenty of mega rich people who just do whatever they want and keep a pretty low profile.

It has to be some sort of mental illness, right? What I find really irritating are the constant hagiographies of these fuckers as if they have done anything to improve society. How many goddamn Steve Jobs movies are there now? Like 10? American society is sick. Just rotten to the fucking core.


As a normal, non-wealthy person, it’s always been difficult to understand how mega-rich people keep going after more and more money. Once I had a million bucks in the bank, you’d never see me again. I’d put it in a safe investment portfolio and live on the interest from my 1,000 acres of Montana isolation. Once I’m

That’s because to human-ish types like Bezos, employees are no better than the tools or machinery that makes the company run, and can be just as easily replaced. “Fuck you. Deal, or leave.” is their management philosophy.

Eat the rich.

By the time I got to middle school in the ‘90's, one of my history teachers was a reassigned driver’s ed teacher. That would have been in ‘92. By the time I got to HS, it was long gone. We were, of course, located in a factory town that had long since lost its factory, so the Reagan tax cuts probably hit us first and

What’s super fucked is the fact that lots of people idolize the 50's and 60's. One of the defining features of the 5o’s and 60's? Sweet, sweet gubmint cash. Schools were super well funded. Christ, you could get driver’s ed in your average high school up until practically the 80's. That’s like $400-500 right there. You

Progressive taxation. I mean real progressive taxation - like there should be a 90% bracket over say $5 million a year.


And had the nerve to bop over to Georgetown Law and talk about universities “becoming safe spaces for nothing but political correctness”.

Some days I want to get in those lunatics’ faces and say “Show me. Show me one single case of Sharia law that is being imposed on your ignorant *ss right now.”

I’m a little surprised at the fact that the public funds going to a church ruling was 7-2. That means that not even Obama’s nominee would have swayed that one.