
Trump brand west bank settlements? Sounds likely.

Sadly, your sarcastic-sounding conclussion is true. We are now a nation of bootlickers and worshipers of the wealthy. Most people think the rich “deserve” or “earned” their vast wealth deapite most wealthy people not contributing anything of actual value to society.

You guys know that the Trump is just waiting for some sort of domestic event or disaster to justify putting harsher regulations on the first amendment right?

He’s a Pez dispenser.


Yeah. If I had to guess, I’d guess that someone doesn’t want too much documentation on how his arrival is going to coincide with expanded settlements.

I’m saying he’s like Pinnochio, but doesn’t have any of the redeeming features that would allow him to become a real boy.

Probably just wanted to save ol’ Kush the embarrassment when all the Israeli officials started giving him atomic wedgies and noogies, before they patiently had to describe every....fucking....point they were making.

The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.

“I’m not going to ask how much this building cost...but, I tell you, I coulda gotten it done for 50% less...and ahead of schedule...and it would have been more luxurious. Believe it!”

I think Dallas and Austin are really nice.

People like PeteRR are the reason why the housing market is so fucked here right now. People are flooding in from CA and are able to price everyone out of home buying. It’s a seller’s wet dream out here.

That doesn’t mean shit.

Okay I’ve disagreed with most of what you said, but insinuating that Houston is a “pretty nice” city is just plain wrong. I lived in Houston and Dallas, have traveled the country heavily for work, and live in Denver. Houston is the worst place with over 200k people I’ve ever been.

And the other metrics you ignored? Don’t care about pollution or education?

The investment firm the mayor tapped is being investigated by the FBI:

But my state (Florida) is surprisingly well-run and properly-funded. So what does our idiot GOP legislature and Gov Voldemort continually try to do? Undermine it by pushing new hires in the direction of a “personal investment account” 401k-style system. In the long run, if enough people choose that option, the pension

Is this the guy, in the photo? Because if you showed me that photo and asked me like how sure I am that is a gay man, I’d give him like 80% on the ol’ gay-dar. I realize that is kind of a weird comment, but it’s true. Maybe that’s why he’s spouting too much hate, maybe I’m not the only one to say it and he’s insecure

Leviticus doesn’t say that homesexuals are not “just being a human being”, or anything close to that interpretation.