
I seek revenge on rude people anonymously. Like the bitch who parked her cart in the middle of the grocery aisle and ignored my polite request to get by?

My husband and I purchased our first house together, it needed a lot of renovation work. But we got it for a pretty reasonable price because of this. It was a small house but I was totally in love with it and the backyard, it was a huge long kind of narrow backyard and definitely overgrown. We shared one fence with a

Twenty minutes? I’ll wait for the InstaPot Vag thank you very much.

I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of ravelry, so I made this.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

but it is worse in EVERY other use case

It separates out the most delicious part for whoever does the slicing.

Ellen strikes me as someone who has had to worked hard to create her own family and learned to love herself at a time where the people who were supposed to love and protect her didn’t. She seems to understand how hard and damaging that can be, and that’s refreshing. None of this “it’s easy!” No, life is hard, and

Yup! I think reactions to this go two ways:

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 


My favorite will always be when Matthew Broderick played George Stephanopolous and the viewer question of the day was from Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you could make out with any View host, who would it be?

“Over The Jeans Island”

That under bite is the best.

I bet those sweaters come in handy! 

Nice, but I think it needs to go to Pittsburgh and get some fries placed upon it to be complete.

CK asserted “The whole point of comedy is to say things that you shouldn’t say. That’s the entire point.”

I and everyone I know loved it. So, you know. Divisive