
I think I would rather have a ghost than a rat infestation!  *shudder*

Yes!!!  That was my first thought as well - strong Israel Keyes vibes.  I wonder how many of his kits are still buried out there somewhere?  *shudder*

I felt this way when boot cut jeans got labeled as mom jeans.  You can pry them off my fat ass.  Die mad about it.  

I also went to a small college in PA out in the boondocks, surrounded by woods, hills, and walking paths.  I used to spend plenty of weekend afternoons wandering around those paths by myself.  I never went at night, though, and I never encountered anything like you experienced!  But I remember feeling very peaceful

In what universe is using a tiny, easily lose-able remote control to monotonously scroll and click through an on screen keyboard just to search for things I want to watch better than easily typing them in on my phone, finding them, and casting them immediately to my screen?  Who asked for this?  This is exactly why I

Future Neighbor (korean), Aaron and Claire (korean), Glenn and Friends (canadian, exploring old timey recipes), Refika’s Kitchen (turkish), What’s for Tea (scottish), EmmyMadeInJapan (misc, viral food trends), How To Cook That (australian, debunking food trends, how to make crazy beautiful things)

It’s basically year-round school - I think most districts in the Atlanta metro and surrounding areas do it.  You start school beginning of August, you get a fall break, a holiday break, a winter break, a spring break, and then a two month summer break and then you’re back to school.  It’s supposed to reduce how much

I had a toy video camera that did this. I can’t remember what it was called. The videos were black and white, though, and it came with a little tv you could playt hem on.  This would have been late 80s, very early 90s.

The Paris episodes are the best/worst. “I want to live in the heart of Paris! I want to be near restaurants and museums! I am going to live the Paris lifestyle! My budget is $2000 a month.”

Oreos, yes! and also - white cheddar cheez-its. Somehow eating them with milk makes them EXTRA delicious!

I am allergic to most of your bullshit plant milks, so you can take delicious cow juice out of my cold dead hands.  

SAAAMMMMEEEE!  We use it all the time to light candles and incense sticks!

SAAAMMMMEEEE!  We use it all the time to light candles and incense sticks!

It’s always a big hit:

Anyone who’s made a pretzel jello salad for a holiday or potluck knows this already!

I started baking bread earlier this year by creating a sourdough starter. Now it’s like a pet (it’s name is Stuart. Stuart the Sourdough Starter) and I don’t want to make it feel unloved so I try to make something with Stuart most weekends. I just started a sponge to make bagels later so we’ll have them fresh and hot

Or, you know, use a cucumber that grew in the back of the bed and you missed picking for a few days.

Why not give the option?  A lot of apps, games included, have a basic free versio and a paid version. So have one that’s free with microtransactions and give the player the option to pay a one time fee to unlock everything.  

Came her to sing the praises of AZO. At the VERY FIRST sign of “uh oh, that pee time felt...weird” I take AZO and then drink ALL THE LIQUID. Especially tea and coffee, because the caffeine is a diuretic that makes you pee more. Anything that makes you pee more is good - the AZO makes your pee inhospitable to the

Hmmm...the hotness on r/houseplants lately have been those cool split leaf monsteras. I’ve avoided them because they are toxic to cats and my most assholish cat has a history of plant nibbling. I recently got a rattlesnake plant and still enjoy looking at it’s wavy leaves with the interesting pattern. Not as cool as