Twenty minutes? I’ll wait for the InstaPot Vag thank you very much.
Twenty minutes? I’ll wait for the InstaPot Vag thank you very much.
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
It separates out the most delicious part for whoever does the slicing.
Ellen strikes me as someone who has had to worked hard to create her own family and learned to love herself at a time where the people who were supposed to love and protect her didn’t. She seems to understand how hard and damaging that can be, and that’s refreshing. None of this “it’s easy!” No, life is hard, and…
Yup! I think reactions to this go two ways:
But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.
My favorite will always be when Matthew Broderick played George Stephanopolous and the viewer question of the day was from Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you could make out with any View host, who would it be?
“Over The Jeans Island”
Nice, but I think it needs to go to Pittsburgh and get some fries placed upon it to be complete.
CK asserted “The whole point of comedy is to say things that you shouldn’t say. That’s the entire point.”
YES! My parents recorded this when it first came on TV, and I practically wore the video tape out! Carol Channing will forever be the White Queen for me!
would do
As the page loaded my eyes read this as
“She shoots out a stream of candy-colored goo from a heart-shaped hole in her bottom.”
There have been several odd ones, but the most memorable shit show was 6 years ago. The bride had unexpectedly asked me to be in the wedding, presumably to fill the requisite “friend from high school” slot in her bridesmaid scavenger hunt. I wasn’t particularly close with her and didn’t know any of the other…
This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.
“People that take their chosen genre of music way too fucking seriously” is an underrated sub-category of insufferable person.