
Aaaaaaaagggghhhh! Can’t wait! Give me the eps to me now!

George of the Jungle

Now everybody star the one of those you agree with.

Thoughts and prayers

An AI assistant that provides positive encouragement.

I was 16 when a visiting youth pastor began bringing his youth to our church for the summer. He was 24 at the time. He would put an arm around me, sigh, and say that he needed a girlfriend, or a wife. He was constantly finding ways to touch the girls in our group. He’d invite individual girls to help him decorate his

Doctors are notoriously shitty and unhelpful towards obese people and often refuse to acknowledge their non-obesity-related illnesses until said non-fat illnesses reach a crisis point. My guess is these people have sought medical advice on these cysts before and been told “lose weight first.” And thus the cysts grow


I mean, that was an article about it not being healthy for you. Cookies aren’t healthy anyway.

Apparently Blake Shelton fans are mad b/c I’m popping up in their Google searches (well after they search for snuff & mountain dew recipes).

At least I know Lewis saw the list:

This is what I do at parties.

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.

Dear White Girls in Horror Shorts,

I ate them for breakfast just this morning.

Whiteley admits he’s not the first person to make this claim. Back in the 1990s, German artist Rosemarie Lierke reached a similar conclusion, but her writings weren’t accepted on account of lack of evidence penis. 

Smoked Trout and anchovies are LIFE. Oh, and canned tomatoes will beat the pants of off out of season tomatoes every day of the week.

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Folks, I’ll be in town all week! Subscribe to r/redpill for more wife content

I guess it’s hard to pronounce the words “technological convergence” with Apple’s cock in the way.