
Nadiya is the queen of soda pop cakes:

OMG I have a story I never get to tell! One of the guys on our softball team had a collision with another player at second base and he hit his nose and forehead HARD on the other guy’s shoulder. He drops his glove and grabs covers his nose with his hands, and when he calms down and realizes he didn’t break anything,

Hey, if your maladies are so ridiculously minor that they can be cured by lemons, water and sunshine, good for you. But that’s not true of people with real diseases and illnesses, so maybe count your good fortune and do not say that crap around people with actual problems.

Or set it down and walk away, assume it’s charging, And later find out it’s on 12% and you’re fucked.

Droid turbo 2 has been rock solid. Try one.

Charcoal is wonderful, but you know what else is pretty good? Turning a knob, pressing a button, and having a hot grill ten minutes later and then not having to deal with a cauldron of ashes a couple hours after the meal. That’s decent, too.

Good Kinja:

I note that the count was indeed two balls, one strike.

A female viking warrior who also gamed?? Somewhere an alt right guy online is screaming

Archaeologists were originally misled into thinking the remains were male due to the lack of boob-plate armor and a metal thong.

I’m like 90% sure you’re trolling, but in case you aren’t: thinking that something that applies to half the population should be limited to a special interest blog is fucked up, man.

True facts all around.

Now playing

As Tim Minchin brilliantly put it: if alternative medicine worked, they’d just call it medicine.

It is good to remember that these people don’t want free speech. They want freedom from criticism for themselves.

Please don’t downplay or normalize domestic violence by calling it a ‘dispute’. Disputes are over control of the remote, this was an act of violence against a woman.

Deep in the Amazon basin there are people who have lived for centuries, maybe millennia with almost no contact with the outside world. They have been born, lived, raised their children and died for generations without seeing anything beyond their forest home. Because of their remote location and the difficulty of

This will surely be a nice riddle for the archaeologists of the future.

I read the title originally as “How to Store Fresh Eggs So They Really Last”, then looked at the picture and thought OH DEAR GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE EGGS!?!

I guess all I’m trying to say is that if the Confederacy didn’t want to be called a bunch of losers they shouldn’t have lost