
I read this with the “Make America Drumpf Again” extension turned on. Really gave it a whole other layer.

I’m pregnant right now, and I have a list of books I’m excited to introduce to my future child - so far the list is A Wrinkle in Time (and the sequels, and everything by Madeline L’Engle), Harry Potter, and The Giver (and possibly the sequels, and everything by Lois Lowry).


Now that I’ve seen the fabled Jeremy, Adnan’s new defense attorney, I can understand why Undisclosed’s Susan Simpson is fangirling him so hard.

am p upset rn, not gonna lie

It only works if you have a really big letter.

Have you heard the undisclosed podcast? It’s from Rabia, a lawyer, who is the sister of Adnan’s friend. Undisclosed goes much, much deeper than serial. I mean each podcast roughly, averages more than an hour, and in between episodes there are “addendums,” also averaging about an hour. It goes into Great detail about

Don did it!

Reading can be hard. Context clues are a great tool for young readers when they encounter abbreviations or terminology they don’t immediately recognize. Now since the premise has already been laid out that these characters are having sex, one can infer from context that the ‘d’ referred to as having been “so good” the

There’s something weird about Atlanta. I used Siri to try to find the airport, and no matter how I asked, Siri gave me directions to the Atlanta Detention Center. Even when I said “Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.”

You lost me here....

I am here for Zac Efron’s “hot phase.” Damn.

“Chloë Grace Moretz, Kiersey Clemons and Beanie Feldstein”

Wendy’s fries in their frostys are INCREDIBLE

“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”

The entire city of Cincinnati needs to sit in the timeout chair for a day. I don't care if they have to pee, sit there, you trashy turds.

CONFESSION TIME!!! I don’t get Chipotle. I think I’ve eaten there twice. It’s ok/good, but like... what are y’all on about?

  • bananas

Came in expecting to see details on how Trump plans to secure the border. I am now disappointed. Thanks Jamie!

MOM!!?? Get off Kinja.