
A former boss of mine had a college friend who ended up becoming a nun. She did have a wimple, but not a huge one, and wore civilian clothes otherwise.


Like they would know what it looked like. PLEASE FOOLS you can’t even find the clitoris.

...they did weird skits like “Pigs in Space.”

Wow.. I uh, had the opposite reaction.. I think its really great..

I thought so too. I was surprised that there were so many different groups before the Romans took over. This is Italy circa 400 BC.

Anyone remember the SciFi pilot Three Inches? It was about a kid who gets a lame superpower. He can move any object up to 3 inches with his mind. He’s dead set on how completely lame his power is and then someone points out to him that it makes him the world most powerful safe cracker and could do interesting things

same, i’m very busy

Uh, how do you know the flour was used for bread? Maybe they were making chicken fried steaks.

For fuck’s sake.


“They didn’t just buy one book, they’d buy a dozen and be back a week later to buy a dozen more.”

In these medical marvel type stories I’m always scratching my head as to who pays for these things. I feel like if I was suffering a similar injury my doctor would shrug and say insurance won’t pay for any fancy 3D printing titanium stuff, so here’s some rusty pipes that kinda look like ribs.

At six feet, I’ve never had a problem when my partner is shorter. I used to sleep with a woman who was 4’11 and the only thing we really had issues with is simultaneous oral sex (because all my height is in my torso, not my legs). But we made it work. Life — and oral sex — finds a way.

“Feel Like Bacon Love”

I wish I could give more than one star to this. I guess this one will have to do:

OK cool. I’ve got 100 family members who I see regularly and love (Xmas is 70 people, minimum, on my dad’s side). We have 50 friends we see regularly and love, and they all have spouses and kids. My fiance’s parents owe their basic survival in the U.S. to their network of friends who insured they didn’t starve.

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

His primary cancer was ocular melanoma. I have ocular melanoma and feel like I have lost a brother in the fight.