
some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.

I love Korean day spas! I go with my friends too. There is nothing like being naked together to realize that bodies are just bodies. All the body shame/obsession is silly. You start realizing that we all come in different sizes and shapes. There is nothing inherently sexual about bodies. It stops being strange really

It's actually about ethics in Cosby journalism.

You have successfully sold me on this completely unnecessary wizardry.

Yeah, Elizabeth seems like good people and Tom can’t pine for me forever, you know? I’m glad he’s moved on. I’m really happy for —

You and me both. I have intensely passive-aggressive contests with one of my beloved flatmates who likes the temperature to hover somewhere between the Arabian desert and the surface of the sun. I, being a normal, like it somewhere around 21°-22°C (aka 70°-72°F in American). So every time one of us passes the

This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.

Don’t forget that one of them was a vegetarian. They wouldn’t have made it half a block before losing their strength and succumbing to the elements.

LOL, so you’re saying they’re really vigilant til they snag their dude, then they let themselves go?

I can squirt but I rarely do because a clitoral orgasm is SO much better. I’d focus more on making sure she is getting what she wants and needs than trying to unlock the system. If she doesn’t do it when she masturbates, chances are she doesn’t care much. It tends to be rather distressing for me when my partner seems

as a woman who has NEVER climaxed from penetration alone, i have noticed two very distinct times in the past month where it felt as though it was going to happen. unfortunately my excitement (i’m a moaner/vocal partner) led to my fella climaxing both times before we were able to see if it was actually going to happen.

Of course they have poison glands. This is Australia. They wouldn’t be able to survive the laser eyed emus otherwise.

I recently got an implant. Does anyone need my old case?

My cousin is getting married next weekend. We are not close, but we are each other’s only cousins on that side of the family. She did not explicitly write “no children” on her invitation, but she did make sure to just address the invite to me and my husband only. She also wrote in “2” on the response card, that wasn’t

In the last couple years of my grandma’s life, she stopped giving any fucks and would wear slippers out to dinner. She would get up from the table the very instant she finished her food and race out to the car, no matter where in the meal the rest of us were. And she upped her one glass of Sauvignon blanc with ice

Female pickpockets? They fall in love and they cry.

Chris Christie strikes me as the kind of politician who is going to be too busy lining his pockets and bullying other people to have energy left over for policing my uterus. I guess that makes him my favorite Republican candidate by default.

It’s really hard..