
In 1994, an American turned up claiming he’d found Rasputin’s penis “at a storage locker sale in California, tucked in between manuscripts by Marie Rasputin

Writing for the majority, Justice Roberts said, “Holy shit, this whole lawsuit was so fucking stupid.”

You are 100% right. I had a similar thing happen to me. LDR, I was getting ready to fly down (he bought my tickets!) and a week before, a mutual friend shows me the “just married” Facebook post. So I got drunk, paid $.99 to get her email address from one of those creepy sites, bundled every email and text and IM, and

everyone laughed, sure the 70-year old con was just out for the publicity. With his hernia reaching massive proportions, he’d be lucky to make a half mile even without pursuit.

When I think about unleashing peak Terrible Person Peaches, I think about going to visit, having dinner in their MaximumHipsterDwelling, and during the first possible conversational lull, saying “Hey, remember at your wedding when you stuck your tongue in my mouth and told me you might be the only person who can make

I never found out why sobbing guy singled me out, but he did end up hooking up with another chick at the wedding after I left, and they’re still together now (three years later), so good for him, I suppose!

I too am shocked and appalled that when Joe Francis’ Great Grandpa dated 9 models the sex was occasionally fucked up.

Back in 1978. My friends Dave and Barbara got married. I had introduced them to one another a year and a half prior. We all worked at the same TV Post-Production studio. Now you have to keep in mind it WAS 1978. So, after the wedding reception we all decided to go back home together, since we also lived in the same

Maybe I can get out of the greys with this one.

I am not a hookup person. The story that follows was made possible by a combination of extraordinary factors, leading to a story that has become a legend in my circle of friends.

That was a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. 10/10

I had a threesome with the bride and groom a week before their wedding as my wedding gift to them.

Maybe not the wildest, but perhaps my proudest.

I got one!

Back in the 80s, a friend from college invited me to be her bridesmaid. We lived hundreds of miles from each other, and had only exchanged brief letters in the years since graduation. I shouldn’t have accepted, but I thought it would be fun to see her and the people we used to hang out with.

I have a few stories but none tops my friend “Nikki”(not her name because she needs to be protected). We were at a destination wedding in Barbados and the wedding party took up the whole resort. The groom has five brothers who are all doctors, smart and cute. One of them “George” was the most man whorey of the group.

This wasn’t “crazy” but it did give me a giggle. My California friend married a guy from the UK so he had a lot of English friends and family in town. I ended up going back to the room with one of the buddies and as we were in bed, nearly naked, obviously headed to bonetown he says, apropos of nothing “I went to

(I promise this is about sex. Hang in there)

This was not my hook-up but I witnessed the hook-up.