
This is not my story. I was merely an observer on this crazy wedding hook-up ride.

Ha! The replies usually pick up steam once the post is shared onto the mainpage, hang tight!

My manager goes to deal with her and I was right, she did want to “give me advice on how to be a better host.”

My response to those types is usually “I don’t come to your work kickin’ dicks out yo’ mouth...”

You’re a loose canon just like Agent Pak (RIP). You play it fast. You play it loose.

could drown a toddler

all yours. this is another fave


It’s called splooosh, Tracy.

> “Well, actually...”

I think it was Greg, actually. So you weren’t too far off... only one syllable to condescendingly emphasize

I was in a summer school french class years ago at UC Berkeley and a girl who was black became my default friend in the class. On the first day she asked if I wanted to get a smoothie after and then it kind of became our ritual. She and I clicked immediately and when she made a couple of jokes about white boys and I

Yup, I agree that work showers don’t obligate you to invite your whole office. But they may lead to a few people’s feelings being hurt, so unless it’s a standard thing that everyone getting married/having a baby gets a work shower, I’d try to politely turn one down.

My parents got married in the early 80s in North Carolina, and it was a stressful day: my mother is the tenth of thirteen kids, so her parents’ house (where they were getting married) was FULL of people. My dad’s parents weren’t there, because they disowned him for marrying a black woman (his older brother came,

This story belongs to a friend. Friend and her husband chose to save their top tier for their first anniversary. Said top tier was stored in their freezer for a year. First anniversary rolls around, they take the cake out to enjoy it, cut a piece....and it’s styrofoam. They’d been storing styrofoam in the freezer for

My parents brag that their wedding cake came from the bakery adjoining (and owned by) the Machus Red Fox Restaurant, where Jimmy Hoffa disappeared from a year or two after their marriage. Due to some mix-up, their cake was decorated with blue race cars and said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELVIN!” I blame Melvin for their

This is less of a “cake” issue and more of a “cake cutting” issue. We had our reception at a pretty standard banquet hall, and they tend to charge you for everything to get as much $ out of you as possible—one fee was the “cake cutting fee” because we had a friend make our cakes and not their vendor. So, at the end of

Not really a disaster, just a gigantic, grueling pain in the ass, from the baker’s side of things. My mom bakes custom cakes and cookies out of her home (yes, it’s legal). She’s been doing it for over 10 years now. Fairly early in her baking career, she got commissioned to do a wedding cake for, I don’t know, I think