
This is where we post the pictures of good dogs right? This is Rosie. She’s an Atlanta native with no undercoat who needs a sweater when the temp drops below 40. She still enjoys frolicking outside and running around with pieces of mulch she steals from our landscaping. She loves her cat siblings even if only over of

Halusky is the only cold weather cabbage dish I need. It’s cabbage and onions cooked in butter and then mixed with noodles. Serve with sour cream. Also, one batch can feed an army of people for, like, $3.  The beeesssssstttt!!!

Yessssssss!!!! My parents taped this from TV and I watched it every time I stayed home sick. Her song and Sammy Davis Jr as the caterpillar were my FAVORITES!

My preferred method of eating cottage cheese is sprinkled with a coarse, crunchy salt and then scooped up with cucumber slices.  Nom.  Now I need to go buy some!!!!

Oh, you like much younger women?  Cool story, bro.  You are not unique or bold for stating what most gross old creepers feel.  

Oh yeah, baby. Get ready for some very quiet, very horizontal, very careful, missionary style sexy times!!!!

Put your microwave on defrost. Put one or two wrapped sticks of butter in. Let it go for 5 seconds. Stop. Turn the butter sticks onto the next flat side. Microwave for 4 seconds. Stop. Flip them to the next side. 4 Seconds. Flip to the final side. 3 seconds. You are done. Perfectly soft, but not melted, butter sticks.

I rarely look at the amount of garlic that a recipe calls for. I just add the amount I want. I once instructed a step-child to add “an embarrassing amount of garlic” to a sauce they were helping me make. “Is this enough?” they asked, pointing to the pile they had chopped. “Are you embarrassed yet?”   “No?”  “Then keep

I think I was in my 30s when, after I had gone through my stocking, I said “MUM!  I purposely haven’t bought any new razors in weeks, because there’s always a pack in my stocking!!!  WHAT HAPPENED??”  And she gasped and later that day went to the one drugstore still open on christmas and got me razors.  Yes, that is

I LOVE LORDS AND LADLES!!! Oh Paul, you are the biggest baby of all of them!  Every time there was a weird ingredient, ohhhh the bellyaching!

Everyone form a queue to the left so that this douche can declare if you’re punk or not.  For they are the SOLE DECIDER of all things punk.  

Right?  I was like...you’re supposed to do this, otherwise the shells taste kind of stale?  Also, they break anyway, BRO.  But they’ll be toasty warm and crunch so whatever.  

Yes!  I told my bf we were both getting them there and now we have TWO gift cards.  I’m going to have him take his son there this coming weekend and we’ll get a third.  Then it’s RIBEYES FOR DINNER, EVERYONE!

Yes, just think of all those women who have previously come forward about sexual assault who are now rich and famous and not living in fear because they’ve been doxxed, ridiculed, threatened, etc.  All of them!  Just living the life of luxury now because of their false claims!  SO many!!!  


Yeah, I hate it when you go to Target and you see a rack of cute clamshells in the plus size section but then it turns out to be a rack of maternity clamshells.  :(

I found Atticus in the bushes outside my condo, a skin & bones five week old kitten. Most probably weaned early by one of the ferals that kept the rat population by our dumpsters under control. Something had tried to eat his tail, and the last inch of it was de-gloved. He needed some minor surgery and A LOT of food,

What??? Madara (aka Nyanko Sensei) or GTFO.

I found it on youtube.

I am VERY excited to see what cosplayers do with her!