
I love this! I had to look up the stone because I never heard of that. And the hearts on the band are so sweet <3

There were people in my lab in grad school working on XP proteins and UV damage as well! I worked on MMR proteins, though.

Dear cat rescue,

Awwww, are your fee fees hurt????

Aren’t these the same right wing assholes who wail and scream OHHHH IT’S A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE!!!! OBVIOUSLY!!!! every time some amped up dick with a grudge against women opens fire on a crowd? IS IT A PROBLEM OR NOT, GUYS, MAKE UP YOUR TINY, SHRIVELED MINDS.

Publix is my go-to every week shop, because I am in Atlanta. A couple years ago I moved to the norther ‘burbs of Atlanta, far away from my favorite place to shop, which is the Your Dekalb Farmer’s Market (which is not really a farmer’s market, but an international fresh market). THE best place for fresh produce, meat,

Jesus Christ, they’re not STUPID. They did not collect DNA from a urinal. They likely found saliva from a cup he was drinking from and discarded. They will do another DNA test while he is in custody to confirm their results. This is not the first time police have gotten someone’s DNA from “discarded” DNA, which any

Oh so you were robbed? They took your tv? Do you have any proof that you even owned a tv, sir? We should just take your word for it? People lie about owning tvs all the time, just for the attention and glory.

When my pappap got sick, he would eat spoonfuls of Vicks vaporub. EAT. IT. WITH. A. SPOON.

Ugh this episode made me cry ugly ugly tears. Scrubs was so good.

Are there a lot of Bulgarus practitioners around who are going to be offended by the occasional BUGGER THAT! exclamation?

Friendly reminder that “reverse racism,” or accusing non-whites of being racist against white people, isn’t a thing! They can say “mean” things about white people and make you cry sad white tears of sadness. But saying mean things about white people will not actually create a system of oppression whereby you are held

I humbly submit the Bat-Eared Treat Hound for entry into AKC. She is a very good doggo.


Whelp. I bought my parents an echo dot and a dna kit for christmas. I might as well have ground them up and INJECTED THEM STRAIGHT INTO RUSSIA. So I’m the worst daughter ever and EVERYTHING IS HORRIBLE FOREVER.

I don’t know if the Le Crueset is better, but I love mine so much. It has held up well for 10 years. It is stained on the inside with use, which I’m sure I could google some kind of cleaning method to fix, but stained cookware doesn’t really bother me. It just means it’s well used, and well loved. And my 5 qt pot is

*plants a wedge of brie in my garden and eagerly awaits the brie bush*

In federal law, Congress may take private property directly

I’m sorry, can you connect air pods to multiple iphones at the same time? This is unclear in your comparison.

Too bad anti-vaxxers are awful in every way.