
Butter, sour cream, and some half n half.


I prep my bread and cook my mix-ins a day ahead of time, because letting all the flavors meld together overnight makes a tastier stuffing, I think. I cook onions, celery, italian sausage, apples, and dried cranberries together with my seasoning, and then let it chill in the fridge overnight. The day of, I mix that

Would bacon fat work? I ask because I normally don’t have duck fat laying around handy, but I ALWAYS have plenty of bacon fat in an old spaghetti sauce jar in my fridge.

Years ago, when my brother was brother was in the hospital and then died, members of our church would bring us meals. Which was great, and so thoughtful, but it was like, 80% pot roast with potatoes. It was a long time before I could eat pot roast again.

The plan is to have an “adults only” punch bowl at our trick or treating table next week(for the first time in my adult life, I am living in an area where there will be trick or treaters! I’m going to dress up and give out candy! I am ridiculously excited! I am FORTY YEARS OLD).

My shocked face. Let me show you it. -_-

In Norway, where Elen and Jo live,

I just bought them this weekend from Trader Joe’s! I was going to toss them with a light cream sauce, but now...hmmm...

I use Alton Brown’s technique of tossing the sliced apples in sugar and letting them sit in a bowl. The sugar draws out extra liquid. Then you strain out the liquid and dump the sugared apples into the pie crust. Cooking down the resulting sugary apple juice makes a nice glaze for the pie!

AHHHHHH! I made this two weeks ago (sans bacon, in case of surprise vegetarians) for a work potluck, BUT I made it in the crock pot. Assembled everything the night before in the crock pot ceramic insert, popped it in the fridge, and then toted the whole thing to work with me and plugged it in at my desk to get hot and

Gene therapy isn’t done by injecting plasmids into your abdomen. Human cells just don’t pick up bits of wandering DNA. Bacteria do that, but not eukaryotic cells, not without substantial cellular modification that would have to be done in vitro. None of this makes sense.

OK, I’m hosting Thanksgiving for the first time this year, with the sort-of-in-laws joining us. I want to do as much prep work as possible the day before. So if I were to blanch veggies the day before, can I just toss them in a ziplock overnight until I’m ready to use them on the Big Day? Will their flavor suffer at

I just kajiggled some pierogie casserole/pierogie lasagna recipes to work in a crock pot, which is currently plugged in and heating through in my work cubicle for a noon potluck today.

VINDICATED! I walked like this as a kid, because my preferred state was barefoot (still is) and my mother would constantly be yelling at me HEEL toe HEEL toe HEEL toe!

This bowl set is my jam and I use it all the time to prep ingredients.


You mean Fatticus Maxiumus here eating all his food and then muscling his sister out of the way to eat her food SOMEHOW MADE HIM FAT? HOW DARE YOU, SIR!

Finally iPhone users will experience the joy Android users have had for years.
*set down phone*

...measure vanilla? Wow. I just...*splorp* yep, looks like about a teaspoon, and go on with my day.