
Isn’t Alpha gal part of the problem with tick bites that are making people allergic o meat? I wonder if this vaccine would solve both problems.

*hands you all the stars*

Huh. I’ve made a version of this and called it cough medicine. More effective than OTC cough meds!


American Gods covers this. They are sacrifices for an ancient cave god that protects the town. Probably.

This has completely made my morning.

I have been Forth of Julying wrong. Burgers, ribs, corn on the cob, watermelon...

...traditional where???

OK, stay with me here....a tomato sandwich, BUT...instead of mayo...

I have been trying to do smoothies in the morning and I’m having good luck with one that’s banana/frozen berries/spinach/greek yogurt/honey/ground flax/soy milk whizzed up in an individual travel cup on our gifted Ninja. Delicious! I do this most days.

Container store basic walnut wooden hangers - specifically, the ones with the plastic ribbing on the ends. Prevents all my dresses and shirts from sliding right off, which is my biggest pet peeve about hangers. Women’s clothing tends to be sheer and sliiiiide right off regular hangers.

Container store basic walnut wooden hangers - specifically, the ones with the plastic ribbing on the ends. Prevents

BTW I couldn’t remember the title of the movie, so I googled MOVIE ABOUT FUTURE GENETICS and Gattaca was the first result. This just tickles me.

Yeah, IANAL either. But I don’t think we’re ready for hand-wringing WE ARE LIVING IN GATTCA yet. If a woman gets pregnant from a man who doesn’t want to stay with her, then she is entitled to child support from him. Not because she is injured, but because the child is half his responsibility. The facility made a

Whelp. I’m allergic to bivalves, so I’m boned.

Well, why is this different than other medical malpractice? There are risks and a certain amount of “this might work or it may not” with all medical procedures, and that is discussed with the patient ahead of time. This is a medical clinic that says “You give us your egg and your sperm and we will try to make sure

Hmm, usually references I’ve seen for Braggs refers to their apple cider vinegar, and sometimes their liquid aminos. I didn’t even know they made nutritional yeast (so good on popcorn. SO. GOOD.), but you wouldn’t want to mix any of those up in a recipe!!!

Did they fix the problems? The G4 was the worst phone I ever owned. It had to be replaced TWICE due to the boot-loop hardware failure issue, and from day one, the battery life sucked - if I wanted to keep using it past 5pm, I had to charge it. I will never buy another LG phone unless I start hearing glowing reviews

Alas, I am allergic to peanut butter, and it is for this reason and THIS REASON ONLY that my professional basketball career never took off.

Alton Brown has a great tip where he has an extra bowl for white inspection during egg separating. You separate the white into this extra bowl, then inspect it carefully for YOLK INVASION, and once it’s met with approval, THEN you dump it into your egg white bowl. This way if some yolk sneaks in after 7 eggs, it

Could it also be possible that, in his many travels, Uncle Traveling Matt, uh...got acquainted with other human-type muppets and produced Human muppet/Fraggle Muppet hybrids - like Bert and Ernie?