
therefore I believe — as we are to the chimpanzee — Ernie and Bert are more advanced evolution of Fraggle

If you can’t make your own insulin, store bought is fine.

Polish grandma was craft grandma - she taught me to embroider, sew, rug hook, and many other crafty fiber arts. So from her I got my crafty side, and I still knit to this day. My other grandma (who was part Polish, and also probably Scottish) gave me my love for cooking, though nothing so strange as cow brains! Give

My mother says my (Italian) grandfather used to tell her all the time “I saved you! Your (Polish) mother wanted to make blood soup and eyeballs, and I refused! You would have to eat all that stuff as a kid! I saved you!”

We will never be this lucky.

*conspiratorial sideways looks*

What about this Muslim from Australia?

I have been going to the Carnegie museum regularly since I was a wee bab, and this piece has always fascinated me. I dragged my boyfriend away from the paintings and sculptures, 5 minutes before closing, to see JUST this piece last year. Now it’s even spookier? This is is the best news I’ve heard this whole shit

How about a function where Voice notifies me that I have a voicemail when I actually get the voicemail, and not three days later? Should I expect that feature in a future update? #dreamingbig


Well, think of it as a trade off. You can keep your handsome, talented prime minister, expensive produce, and socialized medicine. And I get dollar celery, president cheeto jesus, and the threat of complete bankruptcy if I lose my job and then get sick.

It’s because of all the extra work they have there, chipping them out of the frozen ice. ;)

I can buy a bunch of celery for a dollar. And it’s a veggie that does decently well in the fridge for long while, so I have plenty of time to think about how to use up that celery - salads, soups, etc. It’s not like the ticking time bomb that are avocados (QUICK OMG WE NEED TO USE UP THESE AVOCADOS BECAUSE THEY WILL


Yeah, no, sorry. You don’t get to boohoo about the mean libs kicking you out of the club, when you’re actively promoting ideas that hurt women. If you, personally, as a woman, do not agree with abortion, that is one thing. If you are actively fighting to prevent women from being able to choose to have an abortion,

This is so timely because I was gifted an amazing cutting board from my brother for Christmas and it’s already taking a beating. But I love it and want to keep it pretty!

In college we were so impressed that someone from Alaska found her way to middle-of-the-state PA, that it became her full name. As in, Let me introduce you to my friend Cindy-from-Alaska! She had a pretty good sense of humor about it. I think someone even made her a tshirt. Alaska was about as diverse as our


Open the jar and take a long sniff. Are your eyes watering? Are your nose hairs singed and quivering?