
Super H Mart, maybe?

I don’t care if she’s had sex or not - 26 and virgin? good for you! 26 and virgin? good for you!

Heyyyyyy....you stole my avatar. Now everyone will think I think my cat is dumb.

as well as lobbying Congress and the FDA to take the drug off the market.


The point of my statement is that people should not get fat for sole purposes of getting one seat for themselves.

Unless I have dinner guests, I’m eating on my couch. Bowls prevent spills as I simultaneously take a sip of wine, type a facebook comment on my laptop, and defend my dinner from my cats.

My ophthalmologist is named Dr Brilliant.

Vicodin does nothing but make me sleepy - no high, just a dulling of the pain and sleep. However, after taking it every 4 hours for two weeks straight following surgery, the day I didn’t need it any more, I had a rough night of sweats and delirious dreams. So while I wasn’t really getting a high off the drug, my body

This will make it’s way through the approval process that ANY drug treatment has to go through before being approved for general use. And the company that gets it approved will make money hand over fist. Especially if the process can be patented and expanded for other cancers.

Yes, it was a part of that collection, someone else pointed that out. I looked at her website bethditto.com so I could see the whole collection and those were the two that jumped out at me as OH NO! :)

still ugly! :) But thanks for the clarification. I saw it on her website and was like, NUH UH!

This is such fucking bullshit and I’m really tired of seeing it all over the place.

OK a lot of these pieces are lovely and if I had the money, I’d be all over them. EXCEPT:

“specially trained scat detection dog”

Another plot by Big Kegal foiled again!

Insteads disposable cups 4lyfe!

Is it me or are we starting to get a little too loose with the definition of rape?

LOL rapists don’t get 25 years. If we’re LUCKY, they actually get convicted and serve a few years. Which I feel is the LEAST this guy should have gotten.