
Dang I just posted this joke. Serves me right for not reading the comments first.


NO. No, what is this? This reminds me of those oversized tops or aprons that have the skinny bikini body on them. HAHAHAH I’M A FAT LADY WITH A SKINNY LADY BODY! JUST KIDDING FOOLED YOU! No, this is not a thing. Make flattering fat lady clothes. Don’t paste skinny lady clothes on oversized shirts and expect me to

Thank you, Captain NoFun McLiteralPants for your contribution.

I got this as a gift last weekend - IT IS THE CUTEST GAME!!! And so fun. And if you’re a knitter (like me) or crocheter, the details are amazing.

This is very interesting and very good from a conservation standpoint, but all my brain was able to absorb was that there’s an animal that exists that’s called a Dhole.


The way I feel about bacon in particular is probably illegal in Georgia.

There’s an idea I’ve heard where kids with hyphenated names can do this when they marry:

Ugh. In the examples, it’s always the guy’s parents who are upset, or the guy’s friends. Women are naturally EXPECTED to abandon their last name when they marry. Fuck that noise. I was married for 7 years and regretted changing my name. The only reason I did was because my ex pouted like a toddler when I suggested

I am traumatized to THIS DAY.

The best “distract brain enough to fall asleep” TV I’ve found is How It’s Made. Soothing, repetitive machinery, bland voice, and interesting enough to distract the Asshole part of the brain that’s keeping me up, until the Sleepy Brain can take over.

*comes at you*

I love The Vortex. It’s been far too long since I’ve been there!

I hope you ripped off and ate his head after! ;)

I made this! It was delicious - excellent fall dish, and it comes together quickly and then you just throw it in the oven to roast while you’re dealing with other crap for 45 minutes. When it comes out of the oven: APPLAUSE!

I played it with my parents and my brother. He still hasn’t forgiven me for having to explain to our mother what “bukake” is.

I played it with my parents and my brother. He still hasn’t forgiven me for having to explain to our mother what

*raises hand*

This is amazing.

This. Every piece of forensic evidence they had argues against the state’s story of the murder. All they had was a witness they had to coach through numerous story changes just to get to one that they forced to fit their sketchy cell phone tower evidence, WHICH HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE CRAP. I can’t believe this guy is