
2400 years later, the Sardinians are still there! Waving middle fingers at the Italians and doing their thing. Love it.

Can’t tell if troll-baiting or armchair social anthropologist mansplainer...

OMG he’s like a real life Vincent Adultman.

I KNOW!!! Why is it so smooth! Where are the craters??? What is that area made of? Ice? Lava? ALIENS???

Ahhhh!!!! Thank you! Posted the lego version video earlier because it’s my FAVORITE!

I suppose we could arrange a Hunger Games-like event in which all our loved ones compete to the death to narrow down the guest list.


omg. suh brahve.

It explains the oldies, too. They just take their dentures out...

Yes! This! My friends and I go several times a year and try to get more converts from our big group of friends. It’s so freeing - no one cares what you look like. There are fat people and skinny people and old women with saggy boobs and young women with huge nipples and NO! ONE! CARES! You’re just there to relax and

I have been to the JeJu spa in Atlanta with my friends many times, but my mother would NEVER agree to go with me! Too much nakedness for her taste.

I hope David Ball is actually that guys name. PLEASE LET IT BE HIS REAL NAME!

My ex ran over my beloved set of le creuset cookware with a tractor out of pure spite and meaness. Fear of prison was the only thing that kept me from disembowling him with the broken shards.

Birdman is NOT trying to kill Lil Wayne. [TMZ]

When two of my good friends from high school got married to each other, they had already been taking dance lessons together for years, as a hobby. So it was perfect for them to make their entrance doing a choreographed dance to Frank Sintra. It didn’t go on forever, it was a sweet dance that showed off their skills,

I’m going to ask “You want your crab rangoon?” now every time someone is disappointed with something I’ve done.

So to translate:

Yes, I know! So, how did he pee?

Truly, this has been the best Pop The Question ever. EVER! I am so happy.