
When I was 13-ish and visiting NYC with my family, I was waiting outside the Hard Rock Cafe (ahhh, remember the 90s?) with my GRANDPARENTS, while my parents took my brothers to the HRC gift shop to buy...tshirts, I guess. Anyway - I remember exactly what I was wearing - plaid shorts, a white tshirt with PENN STATE

I did this all morning. Yisssssssssssssssss! The only good thing about Mondays!!!!

I used soft cups regularly with my Mirena without any problems - maybe if the strings are too long the cup could tug on them?

SOFT CUPS FOREVER! Seriously. Best product ever. Highly recommend.

Gus approves.

Eh. Pittsburghers are fiercely loyal and eat terrible food. I'm not ashamed of it. And I agree with your stance on caesar salads, anyway.

I was surprised to get through an entire article without one Pittsburgh burn. WOO!

$16 for a sugar scrub just for your lips???

$16 for a sugar scrub just for your lips???

This happens to me with EOS. And several other brands - I think I developed an allergy to lanolin, so now I have to find brands that are lanolin free. This is surprisingly tricky. I've had to go with expensive homemade brands, which are nice, but not as convenient.

This happens to me with EOS. And several other brands - I think I developed an allergy to lanolin, so now I have to

Nooooo, Charles Wallace!

I'm not sure why this one tickled me so much, but I literally laughed out loud at my desk at work after reading this!

My mom ordered napkins with our names and our wedding date embossed in gold on them. Very elegant and fancy. She ordered. So. Many. The wedding was in 2006 and I still have them (I mostly use paper towels for every day eating because I'M FANCY LIKE THAT, and save napkins for company). But now I'm divorced and

Yeah, this is kind of where I'm at. I've never been very firm on my desire to have kids - I figured if it happened it happened. My ex initially wanted kids, but then changed his mind after were were married and decided to be perpetually unemployed and blame me for all his poor life choices - hence, ex status. He

My previous gyno was...kind of a bitch. I need to find a new lady parts doctor, and I plan on discussing what my options are, and I'll ask about the implant. I've just been dragging my feet because my GP is happy to prescribe me the pill without complaint. See also, previous crappy experience with bitch doctor.

I use birth control to not only prevent pregnancy, but to make my heavy, painful periods more manageable. So while a copper IUD would prevent me getting pregnant, it wouldn't do much for the periods.

My body greedily sucked out all the hormones in 3 years (my theory) and my periods the last few months before I begged my doctor to RIP IT OUT were horrible. Also the damn thing gave me cramps of doom at random for the entire 3.5 years I had it installed. Like, I'd be walking down an aisle of the grocery store and

Correct on all counts - I have allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. And peanut oil used in restaurants has been refined enough to remove almost all of the allergen proteins. Exceptions being any kind of unrefined or "organic" peanut oil (looks cloudy), and those people with the super sensitive

Not one to be deterred, Remigio, sans infant, called some friends and got another ride to Chula Vista.

I had a friend in college who was a vegetarian who didn't eat vegetables. She subsisted on a diet of cheese pizza and french fries. She was skinny, but sick all the time. Unhealthy comes in all sizes, I guess.

When I was 4 years old, my pappap passed away. Being 4, I didn't have much of a concept of what death meant - I probably kept asking when he was coming back. My parents explained to me that people get old, and when they get old, they will die and go away forever.