

My husband's name is Kevin, so this made me extra snorty.

But cake is delicious! How can sniffing it be wrong?

"slick, dandified cake eater"

Yeah, nearly sprained my eyeballs, they rolled so hard.

That's a quote from the app description. I think Lindy has made her disdain for every of these apps ABUNDANTLY clear. I'm glad this is the only app that offends you, though. Very telling.


yuck. You can have all my pulp. I don't think juice should be CHUNKY.

My husband and I binge watched all 4 seasons of The IT Crowd in just a couple days. Then we were sad. WHY NO MORE IT CROWD???

I'M DOING THAT RIGHT NOW! Well, sort of. 2 or 3 episodes every night. I will probably binge watch the rest of season 2 tonight and then be twitchy until season 3 is available on netflix.


Browns fan, huh?

*clutches pearls*

I do not identify as lesbian or bisexual, and I like to look at attractive women. I also like to look at attractive men. Probably many of these publications feature those as well. I don't think this is supposed to be a big feminist statement. I think it's supposed to be something that Japanese women like to wank

She's about as clothed as the women on the cover of any romance book, a genre also geared towards women. If that picture was geared for the male gaze, the breasts would be bare and about 10x bigger.

As a tween, my parents (well, my LAME DAD, anyway) would not let me attend any New Kids concerts. It was SO UNFAIR and they JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ME! I'M GOING TO MY ROOM AND NEVER COMING OUT AGAIN BECAUSE NO ONE HERE LOVES ME!!!

Excellent! I'll get a shovel.

Whew! I found 8 lip related items in my bag and thought "wow, I'm weird and I have a problem." Glad to find out I'm not the only one!

This is my giant work bag, not my usual "out and about" purse:

Jeez, WARN us before you post something horrific like that. I almost threw up!