
I used to do sexual assault exams in the ER where I work. I cannot even count how many times women were sure they had been given a date rape drug, because while out drinking and having a good time, a guy had picked them up and they had blacked out and had a "cameo" (that's what they call it when you wake up

The only other Homeric epithet I remember from Spy magazine was "busomy dirty-book writer Shirley Lord." I don't even think she's alive anymore.


Are you old enough to have read Spy magazine? They used to do this with people they hated. And to this day, as far as I'm concerned, he is and will always be "short-fingered vulgarian Donald Trump."

Worstest of the worstest, SCOTUS-hopeful division. I should have specified. I hate Scalia with the burning white hot thousand suns hatred the kids always prattle on about.

Edith Jones was always on the short list for Republican presidents when the Supreme Court had a vacancy. Okay, not always as in going back to Eisenhower, but throughout much of the past twenty years. She sounds like the worstest of the worstest and I hope her name never comes up again as a possibility for SCOTUS.

You rule.

I met a twelve year old boy in my emergency room who spoke only very provisional English. His first language was Yiddish. His dad was pretty clearly a native English speaker. How odd to choose that for your kid!

Please, nobody tell my husband about this or he will never sleep again.

I would not have guessed that 15 year olds still gave a shit about Marilyn Manson.

that dress is trying too hard

Or maybe she gave up her (insane) stylist and started dressing like her inner lady-who-lunches?

I have almost never seen her dressed for an event where I liked what she had on. I think her stylist secretly hates her. A lot.

"I would cut Jesus for ____" has been added to my stable of excellent phrases. Much obliged.

Oh, how I hope she is making less money than all the empenised congresspenises.

On the other hand, brohammad is awesome. So there's that.

That is horrible.

Seriously, if I ever have a daughter, my high school graduation gift to her will be getting some of her eggs frozen. The eggs themselves will be at the peak of freshness, and she can set off on life's journey unencumbered by the nagging worry that she'll miss her fertility window.

I kind of love this whole thread.
