
Officer Foxy? Is that you?

Is it just me, or is the law enforcement professional on the far left of the A. Bynes perp walk photo, um, kind of Officer Foxy? In a NYPD, probably kind of a dick, nonetheless Officer Foxy sort of way?

Big ups to the 42 year olds out there!

It is not his finest hour, to be sure. Although looks-wise it might have been.

You have just described my experience with Breaking the Waves. That was one of the most incredibly upsetting movies I have EVER seen, I still think about it in chilling detail at least once a week (and I saw it when it was released, which was '97 or so), and I also remember that I was so violently ill from the

I have said basically the same thing several times in the last few days. When I had a mammogram, I left (in tears) thinking THERE IS NO WAY MEN WOULD TOLERATE ANYTHING THAT PAINFUL AS A ROUTINE SCREENING TEST. No. Fucking. Way.

I agree. My immediate response when I read about someone having done this is extreme sadness that this is the best medical science had to offer her. Or at least, that this was her perception that this was the best medical science had to offer her.

A supporting anecdote: a woman I worked with had breast cancer and opted for the bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. She had complication after complication, basically had a nervous breakdown, and about 2-3 years after her surgery, took her own life. Come to find out, she didn't a particularly severe form of

You and me both, honey.

I did for a minute and then all of the sudden I locked in on it and it was awesome.

She was SO hoping you wouldn't notice.

Stars can be traded in for honey.

HE SO DOES NOT DESERVE THE DEATH PENALTY. It is literally too good for him, which I have never said or thought about the DP in my life. Life imprisonment, in circumstances so very very close to those he forced those women into, seems like the only just punishment. And I hope he lives to be 125.

You there: stick around. I have a feeling we'll be needing you again.

There is not enough irony in the world to make that song palatable.

That song is literally THE WORST.

I'm still laughing about "Rawesome" from that New Yorker article, and I think I read that more than a year ago. I, too, love raw milk, but those people were fucking nuts.

What if the gods/goddesses the Temple of Dendur was built to honor have been in hibernation for all these years because of a lack of visible pudenda? Perhaps Madonna's "edgy," "punk rock" action will spur a new age of peace and enlightenment...or maybe just lots of internet slurs about old lady cooter. Whichevs.

The other thing that triaging taught me is that a lot of people's anti-depressants don't work.

OH MY GOD. The F-word is the worst. It almost always seems to me like it's women who desperately need a radical husbandectomy who have that one. (Years as a triage nurse have left me jaded.) One of my colleagues will refer to people as having metastatic, end-stage fibromyalgia and requiring fibrodialysis.