
I also give a little involuntary shudder whenever someone includes in their list of maladies "borderline personality disorder." Like there's some way in which it seems wrong that someone would have told you that about...you.

Lil Wayne says he doesn't remember his seizures: "I go to sleep and wake up in the hospital." [Us]

He was 35 when that picture was taken. The peak of male freshness.

I have always thought Leonardo diCaprio is straight up ugly.

I once heard a mother of four grown children say, "From two to three is very hard, but by the time you get to four, it's just another potato at dinner."

Here's my very important question about Ireland Baldwin:

Also, since we're on the subject, don't take your tape deck to a Doobie Brothers concert to make a bootleg recording, because it WILL fall out of your jacket while you're dancing.

And also, even though we killed our friend's goldfish/hamster/parakeet we were watching for them while they went on vacation, we'll get a new, identical one at the store and THEY'LL NEVER KNOW.

Am sending you bill for laptop which I just destroyed by snort-spitting iced tea all over keyboard.

Funnest and strangest Nelly song ever. Thank you for bringing it back.

Urm, no.

You have misapprehended me, friend. I am not endorsing this behavior, simply trying to find reasons for why it might occur other than "people are stupid assholes." And I am more aware than many of how much ambulance rides costs, since the hospital where I work is regularly billed for ambulance rides in which the

There is nothing wool can't do. I bet it could be made unitchy enough. It's the miracle fabric.

It has ruined all of his music for me. I mean, I just CAN'T.

The minute convenience stores have a special hotline and will send a taxi to pick you up free of charge, any time of the day or night, and then have to give you food regardless of your ability to pay, I'm sure they'll be swamped, too.

Is there room in there for all of us, doggy?

Back it up. Reread the good doctor's comment. Then de-escalate your rhetoric before you start giving unwarranted career advice.

In the ER where I work, few of our patients are "paying" us. Society is paying us. I do not begrudge people Medicaid or Medicare, truly I don't, but I do feel sometimes like it might not be a bad thing if people were required to pay a nominal fee (and of course not in a straight-up emergency, and of course we

I was grousing about this very issue to my mom once, after a (very young) mother had brought her baby to the ER where I worked via ambulance because the baby was crying and wouldn't stop. My mom said, "But it's scary and lonesome at night, with a baby who won't stop crying, and you go to the hospital and you know

This is not an isolated incident. But I would posit that it's also possible the woman is mentally ill, and really doesn't understand the ramifications of what she's doing. In the ER where I work, a woman came in via ambulance last week for dental pain (dental pain being one of the top five most common ER complaints,