
Down with vulvar smackage. We needs a telethon, doublequick.

What's that weird vulva-smacking thing that they do in porn, too? That shit is weird.

Because his weight gain is nowhere near as disturbing as the total-face-do-over that he had.

I loved the part where his dad said that the young man had returned to school and was furious about how his good name had been besmirched.

The current vogue among the young to tattoo all their flesh by age 25 makes me imagine someone who picked out an outfit—sweater, shirt, pants, gloves, etc—when they were 19 and then had to wear it everyday for the rest of their lives. Until they killed themselves because they hated that stupid sweater with the whales

Boiler Room


Another luxury item that got "normalized" a while back was a big, fancy, lifestyles-of-the-rich home, with cathedral ceilings, travertine marble, family room...I've known so many people who had incredibly normal, middle-class jobs (teacher, nurse, etc) who had houses like this that they could barely afford. And I

Dear Cameron Diaz,

I bet Pornterest has already been claimed as a name, no?

How did I miss THAT rumor? It sounds fantastic! Tell more about it!

Everybody gets them. It's ladies in an age bracket.

It was absolutely awful what she did, and I guess therein lies my point: people could have just dwelled on her awful acts, and not paid so much attention to how she looked. But how she looked became just as much a part of people's reaction to her. At least as I remember the story, through the veil of the encroaching

However, I think that much of the weird animosity Hillary Clinton faces is because she is not beautiful, and no longer young. It is culturally acceptable to actually EXPRESS ANGER at women for not being looksome, as I remember well when Linda Tripp was being vilified for a) being a dick and b) not being hot. I've

I definitely see what you're saying.

Perhaps she could have disabled her Twitter account rather than trying to kill herself? I'm just spitballing, here.

I am a big Sally Singer fan, and I'm sorry things didn't work out for her at T. I always imagined that she was being positioned to be Anna Wintour's replacement, and I hope that can still happen.

Hello, SAILOR! Holy shitasaurus rex!

Made me choke on a grape AND I'M NOT EVEN EATING GRAPES.

Lindy, if I didn't already love you, the Mrs Piggle-Wiggle reference would have clinched it. You rule.