
Huh, I thought those Sovereign Citizen jabronies all lived out west and played cowboy.  Florida really does have it all!!  LOLOLOL

I loved the season (series?) finale, and I wouldn’t want to see any of that undone just to get a Season 3 of Loki.

HOWEVER! A Season 3 of SYLVIE EXPLORES THE MULTIVERSE and occasionally teams up with other MCU characters who were-expecting-Tom-Hiddleston’s-Loki just sounds like a damn good time. :D

Same list, same reasons.  Although the Doctor was higher on my list.  Every apocalypse show EVER shows how critically important doctors are!  Even if their speciality is vetrinary medicine or dental health, doctors are doctors!  (the weird shit about it being a sterile woman, while dogwhistling to Evangelical

Chopper’s actual droid designation is C1-10P, which, if you include the hyphen, looks like CHOP.

Chopper’s actual droid designation is C1-10P, which, if you include the hyphen, looks like CHOP.

To a certain extent I understand people’s annoyance with plot armor. On the other hand though, I think more recent tv trends like Game of Thrones and Walking Dead have skewed things a little far in the other direction.

I personally am fine with some (or a lot!) of plot armor. I’m not watching ST to anxiously see which

Yes.  Same for history.  


I’ve seen all of the movies you mention except for Morbius and I’ve got to say, SpiderMan: Across the Spider-Verse is a whole ‘nother level of excellence that none of the others can match. In fact, I’d say SpiderMan AtSV is equal to the very best of the MCU (which, IMO, is Avengers (1st one), Captain America: Winter

Respectfully, I think your question kind of misses the point. The people calling for bans aren’t doing so as part of a good-faith objection based on reason or virtues, so you can’t change their minds with reason or virtue. Book bans are purely an excercise in political power and using that power to hinder/harm people

This. We HAVE to stop enagaging with the GOP extremists as though they are making good faith arguments and just exercising their rights, totally within the rules, and assuming that the extremists will say their piece and then if they lose on substantive grounds, they’ll just accept that and go away. That. Is. Not.

My wife and I found this with our seven year old (when he was five, I think), and we all love it.

I don’t see anyone being nominated for Republican candidate who isn’t just all around awful.  If they aren’t they’ll ‘alienate the base’.  It’s an awful prediciment for the GOP and I don’t feel the least bit sorry for them. 

There is actually an answer to your extremely valid point and it is this: The MAGA-like Republicans do not care about ‘governance’ any more, they care about ‘ruling’ by exercising state power against people they don’t like. For those people, Disney having to close down for a bit is an absolute win because it

That’s just ... wow. I know re-education camps aren’t like, a good solution, but can we just have everyone re-take an 8th grade Civics class?  

Again, DeSantis hasn’t even said he’s running yet—but it sure seems like some of his rich friends are trying to squash him before he even announces.”

Except you’ve fallen for the Bait-N-Switch. ACTUAL Conservatism is the All White Patriarchy. Women are to be controlled, period. Controlling women’s bodies, both sexually and reproductively, is the basic plank of ALL conservatism, in every culture.

All the rest is fluff and pretty words to get people to buy in, or to


lol, fair.  Also I guess that’s why Elon insists that everything be clearly labled ....   lololol

This guy’s post was a joke, not literal.
(But it IS damn funny!  And not at all implausible.)