Slippery slope fallacy.
Slippery slope fallacy.
Who triggered you?
Not a bad idea, but the execution lacked the subtlety necessary to make the audience actually question whether it was real or not. This was obviously fake from the very beginning, before they even brought in the second woman.
That’s one of the reasons I’m not big on activism in general. Your average person is not an expert in complex socio-economic systems that they’re trying to critique. While their heart is in the right place, I trust the scientists at the EPA much more than Just Stop Oil to determine an actual plan forward.
My favorite is
People often photoshop their face in the thumbnail.
Wanting to go home after a long shift isn’t laziness. You’re falling for corporate propaganda if you think busting your ass for a corporation that doesn’t appreciate you is proving something about your value as a human being. “Work ethic” is a term made up to convince employees that there is some moral value in doing…
The most American response imaginable.
Cry harder, triggered little boy.
That green delivery van looks very fake.
World’s biggest smallest airpport?
In all seriousness, they need to be understandable by the widest range of people, and anyone over 50 isn’t going to know what modern slang or Stranger Things references mean.
Can’t imagine why they’re struggling to find employees...
GTA VI is the only thing that would get me to buy a console because Rockstar refuses to release on PC at launch. Also, my laptop probably couldn’t handle it anyway. It barely runs V.
The Beretta was a handsome design.
Where’s your marketing degree?
Not to rain on your parade, but other EVs have had square retro styling. The Hyundai Ioniq 5 for example.
Also just... not flooring it. It’s amazing how people are simultaneously terrified of snow to the point of “needing” 4wd and ground clearance (because of how often they drive in 10" of unplowed snow, right?), while also being unafraid to drive too fast for conditions.
Hey, what’s your stance on speed limiters?