evilfacelessturtle (Hooning a Ford is Domestic Abuse)

Age is just a number. I have known 16yos who were mature enough to be entirely out on their own, and people like my idiot 47yo brother who should certainly still have an adult guardian. It wasn’t that long ago in the evolution of humans that a typical 16yo was probably married and had a kid or two.

A lot of the Drive’s toxic readership migrated over from the Warzone. They also don’t really have much in the way of moderation like Jalopnik or us over at the Autopian.

Go find one that isn’t dead.

but then again you could have just gotten married at 18 and get all of that anyways, why make consent lower instead of fighting to abolish or change that practice?

I used to drive mid-engined cars (Fieros and MR2) and even a rear engined car (Corvair). I found that inductive loops work best when you position your engine over them, which means I had to stick my nose WAY out into traffic sometimes.

And in actual use, it worked once. Did you not read the article and/or watched the video?

wner’s manual that says using the charger manual release could result in damage to the truck

Just wait until they find out about the concept of “reviews.”  I guess they should strip all opinions out of those, too.  “This is a car we drove.  It moves in forward and reverse directions, and it is also able to turn.  It is powered by gasoline and/or batteries.  Consider buying it if you find that it satisfies

If you want hard news, go read a news site. Who ever said there wouldn’t be any opinions on Jalopnik?

If you’re not upset by the specifics of the comment, and acknowledge that it’s a frequent occurrence, why did you comment at all?  Why choose this specific moment and that specific opinion to make your stand?

The writers frequently inject their personal opinions about things where it doesn’t belong.”

And yet here you are, commenting on the article, driving engagement.

This isn’t CNN you dumb fuck. This is a blog, and they have been injecting their personal views since forever. Either you’re ignoring that, or you somehow didn’t notice that.

Fuck off bootlicker.

I come here for news and information about the automotive world and not for your personal opinions on every story.

Is it really an opinion, when it’s based on statistical fact?

I would agree but history has shown us that cops are not held accountable and when they are people like you complain and say it is unfair and they were just doing their job.

What’s the reason for police to need to be driving ON the actual beach, a place where people are likely to be lying down in the sand and difficult for a truck to see?

Ok, so let me get this straight: He’s posting the videos of a group of masked people engaging in illegal activities, on Instagram (and potentially other platforms)?

It seems like a weak loophole. Isn’t the standard usually that, if you say you weren’t driving, you either give up the driver or you take the punishment yourself? And if you say you sold the car, you either identify the buyer or you take the punishment until they process the change of ownership? I think the police and