We don’t need much of a military because we don’t go all over the world murdering everybody and pissing off entire cultures. We have NATO, that’s enough, we don’t really need the USA. And we STILL don’t pay anymore taxes than Americans.
We don’t need much of a military because we don’t go all over the world murdering everybody and pissing off entire cultures. We have NATO, that’s enough, we don’t really need the USA. And we STILL don’t pay anymore taxes than Americans.
There’s this thing called “solar”. You should check it out.
To be fair, your comment was 100% accurate 10 years ago and still completely true in a handful of states. However, every year more coal plants shut down and natural gas (which, yes, is still a problem, but far cleaner than burning oil) along with green energies take their place. Every year electric cars get cleaner…
Well, Ferrari and Lamborghini, in particular, have a longstanding history of self-immolating products...dating pretty much back to their inception. So it’s nothing new :P
Yes, that’s also why I can’t own a Lamborghini, the fear of fire. And stop calling them hoverboards.
More like Flamborghini....
Canadians pay roughly the same amount of tax per capita as Americans (we just don’t waste $600B a year on our military). New generations of nuclear plants will be coming online that will re-burn existing waste. They’re already mining those elements for your phone and your laptop (and are 100% recyclable). Of course…
You seen to be choosing to ignore that eletricity produced by large powerplants is being done a efficeincy levels that blow combustion engines out of the water. So yes, electric cars powersource may ultimately still be derived from fossil fuels but it’s being used much more efficiently which leads to lower overall…
You’re ignoring the fact that A), nuclear power has zero emissions (although you can make the argument for long-term radioactivity, but that’s another discussion entirely and has nothing to do with climate change), and B), the per-kilowatt-hour emissions of coal burned in a power station are far less than the…
I suspect your use of actual “facts” will have little impact on the OP, but I appreciate them.
You don’t know the actual definition of the word “fact”, do you. It’s ok, many people overreacting to something they see posted on the internet also have problems with the word. You see, it means something that is verifiable time and time again via data. Your statement lacks that quality.
This idea has been disproven time and time again. What you’re saying is totally anecdotal and has no “facts” behind it.
No, no they don’t.
This old trope of “the long tailpipe” has been disproved many times over. As for overlooking facts, you can check them yourself courtesy of the DOE (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/elect…). And with continued displacement of coal as our primary source of generation fuel, the environmental case for switching to EVs…
And you conveniently ignore the facts as well. Yes we would need more power but if you even just burned the gasoline used in ICE vehicles for power you would be ahead of game because of the capture and filtering that is possible to do when size and weight constraints are lifted. Then you can factor in that we no…
Or we could build more wind turbines and solar panels. You have options with electricity. With gasoline, you have none. I can charge an electric car with solar panels on my roof. Last I checked, the options for backyard oil wells and refineries were few.
An electric car is still more efficient than an ICE vehicle, even when accounting for the varied fuel sources in the US. In addition, if you have an electric fleet, the “greenness” of your fleet improves as you improve your the greenness of your grid, as opposed to when people buy a new car in ten years that is…
I agree but there is one thing that compensates for this. An electric car can be just as bad as a gasoline/diesel car when you account for the source of the electricity. However, if clean energy is eventually sourced (wind, solar, whatever) all of the sudden the e-Car is completely clean, and the other is still…
18,000 mile Lexus LS400