At least my penis is bigger than your brain.
At least my penis is bigger than your brain.
You sound like a Christian, despite mountains of evidence against your idiotic theories, you soldier on in your complete ignorance and stupidity.
We don’t need much of a military because we don’t go all over the world murdering everybody and pissing off entire cultures. We have NATO, that’s enough, we don’t really need the USA. And we STILL don’t pay anymore taxes than Americans.
They’ve only brought them up to German standards, so they’re not total crap anymore, just mostly crap...
The same nickel and lithium used in every cell phone, laptop and li-on battery on the planet? The same batteries that are 100% recyclable? Yes, we’re still mining that, as we have been for decades...
Canadians pay roughly the same amount of tax per capita as Americans (we just don’t waste $600B a year on our military). New generations of nuclear plants will be coming online that will re-burn existing waste. They’re already mining those elements for your phone and your laptop (and are 100% recyclable). Of course…
You’re forgetting that most EV charging happens at night, when the grid is usually way over capacity and wasting tons of electricity.
Electric car batteries are 100% recyclable.
Unlike oil, the batteries (the same ones in your phone, tablet, and laptop) are 100% recyclable.
I don’t know what’s more hideous and tacky, the car, the paint job, or the wheels? All of the above?