WTF Cares

2000 VW Jetta. The interior was made of modeling clay that would crack and break from sun exposure.

“throwed”. I’m so fucking tired of these pretend cowboys using shit English to pander to their ignorant audience.

Or, secretly he always wanted to be the black ranger, but knew he could fill those tights.

No, we’re not Tate. But, you have to lie in the bed you make. Hopefully Tate's cell bunk has a 6'6 350lb dude in it already.

Dude seems like an Uber cunt

Damn, you beat me to it. Have a star.

While I agree with your premise in whole.... As far as the stupidest thing in 34 yrs, ehh. We’ve got almost half the nation thinking one of Putin’s side pieces is the best option to run out country. Willingly picking a traitor for a president seems dumber than blowing a bunch of money on a shitty "asset".

I lol'd


Thats the face Greg Abbott gives Elon Musk

Why would they? What kind of business model would it be to buy something, 2nd hand, for MSRP? Factoring in the magical 20% profit margin, this is really only about $20k off. Then Im sure there are some hidden CM costs Im not thinking about. Does the appraiser get some kind of commission? A salesperson who brought it

Trying not to take this article title literally. Talk about a flashing red neon sign saying “I lack emotional intelligence!” I hope it was just conjecture.

Fitting name, as your bullshit argument Crumbles under any form of scrutiny.

I lasted a whole 15 mins, maybe. Essentially long enough to meet the Nazi inspired bad guys. The whole thing looked horrible, kinda like he stole characters, that don't fit together, from a bunch of different sci-fi shows and out them next to each other with no continuity. The original suicide squad has a better first

Just FYI, was tongue in cheek. Thanks for the measured response.

You know how I know you are lying(or at least leaving out some info)? You cited a VW in that list.

Drew, will you marry, FUCK!, me!

sounds fucking horrible. I will be boycotting all AI drivethrus. “oh no, Ive eliminated all drive thrus! Guess ill have to cook some healthy food for myself now, ah shucks!”

a lot of snake oil had cannabis oil in it. Ill take the oil.